Yellowstone Wolves

  • Park now has only 55% as many wolves as at the peak population- I predicted this, and the same thing was happening to the wolf population of Idaho and Montana. Without any intervention they would have peaked and dropped. With the big campaign against them in Idaho and Montana, we will never know.  At any…

  • 319 wolves in Wyoming, but as in ’08 only six breeding pairs in Yellowstone Park- I think it’s clear that Wyoming’s anti-wolf legislature had hoped that the requirement of ten breeding wolf pairs in the state could be met by Yellowstone Park alone, but yesterday’s USFWS release of the 2009 wolf figures for the state…

  • I’ve been in the Park the last several days, the first time in well over a year.  I didn’t expect to see wolves because their number is down and until Jan. 19 I hadn’t visited Lamar Valley.  Yesterday I did show up in the Lamar just after mid-day. Using my “expert wolf spotting skills,” I…

  • YNP Park wolves are down another 6 % this year, but there was a 12% increase outside the Park in ’09- Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Cory Hatch. There are 4 full-time packs in Jackson Hole and one part-time pack. The year’s population results appear to be a small increase in…

  • Although it is old news here, it is good to see these facts being widely disseminated- Wolves decline in Yellowstone. By Janice Lloyd.  USA Today As predicted, the remaining elk in the Park are tough critters that can beat up on the wolves.

  • A detailed northern range wolf update- At a time when the wolf population in Yellowstone is declining and interest from the news media down, Kathie Lynch has put together a most detailed report on the activities of the Park’s northern range wolves. – – – – – – Thanksgiving 2009 wolf update. By © Kathie…

  • Quota of five wolves has been filled for the Upper Snake wolf hunting area- This is in Eastern Idaho, in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. The wolves killed may or may not have wolves that usually inhabit Yellowstone Park. Here is the Idaho wolf quota area map. Nov. 3. E. Idaho wolf zone closed as hunters…

  • Game managers may make changes in hunting season for next year- Wow! The stories about the shooting of the Park wolves who happened to be just north of the Park keep coming. This is another one. This one today is by Brett French in the Billings Gazette. Actually we don’t know that this hasn’t happened…

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