Yellowstone Wolves

  • Multiyear Montana study shows the relationships between elk and wolves are not simple- FWP study finds multiple factors in wolf-elk relations. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian Nowhere are data adequate to ‘scientifically’ assign cause(s) for any declines that may occur,” author-biologists Kenneth Hamlin and Julie Cunningham wrote in their conclusion.” However, this conclusion certainly does not…

  • Wolf poop is gold for a variety of studies of wolves- Yellowstone study collects, examines wolf scat for clues. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. This time tested activity was partly replaced by radio collar-based research, but with the development of sophisticated DNA and hormone analysis, it now has new importance.

  • Officials news for Wyoming and other areas, excluding Idaho and Montana- The USFWS in Helena continues to put out the wolf news for all of Wyoming and other Western States, except Idaho and Montana where wolves are delisted, and the Mexican wolf recovery area. This means wolf news in Oregon, Colorado, Washington, Utah, etc. is…

  • About 40 wolves are on the Park’s northern range- Yellowstone wolf news. June 2009. Copyright by Kathie Lynch The beautiful green hills of Lamar Valley brim with bison, and their cute little orange calves greet early summer wolf watchers in Yellowstone. However, the drop from 171 wolves in Yellowstone Park in December 2007, to only…

  • The federal report this week is A LOT more interesting than usual (e.g., YNP wolf chases bicycles, motorcycles, etc.)- This is the wolf weekly news put out by USFWS because Wyoming can’t manage wolves. Be sure to read the “monitoring” and “control” sections. – – – – – – – – Update: There is essentially…

  • For all practical purposes the pack has denned at Park Headquarters- The Canyon Pack, which includes some remnants of the old Hayden Pack, is denned just a quarter mile east of the Mammoth town site. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a chase on the Mammoth lawns. Wolf pack moves to park’s headquarters. Den near…

  • Kathie Lynch’s latest trip to Yellowstone found early spring wolf denning triumph mixed with tragedy- Yellowstone Wolf News. April 4-12, 2009. By © Kathie Lynch. “Spring” in Yellowstone means a few days of warm weather, followed by a return to snowy winter and then springtime again. As the snow melts, it gets harder and harder…

  • Doug Breakwell posted a comment that was interesting, but also to a thread I’d rather keep clear, so I answer his questions below. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – Doug Breakwell wrote: April 11, 2009 at 4:45 AM This is a great site to keep updated on whats happening to wolves especially if…

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