Yellowstone Wolves

  • Wyoming groups sue, challenging delisting plan for leaving Wyoming out. Wyoming Stock Growers Association, Wyoming Wool Growers Association, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife Wyoming, Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation, and the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association and others have asked to join the lawsuit asking that Wyoming be included in the wolf delisting plan. Wyoming’s wolf…

  • Wolf population has dropped by 27% in Yellowstone. Distemper devastates Yellowstone wolves. Powell Tribune

  • All 3 states and the FWS reports available. The annual reports of all three of the recovery states have been released. There is a wealth of information in these reports about various packs. The minimum estimate of wolves in the three states is 1645, a 9% increase over last year. In Idaho there are 846…

  • The Druids are the only northern range pack still intact. New packs and groups abound- Due to the complexity of the changes on the northern range, I know it took Kathie several weeks to write this. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – – – Yellowstone wolf report. Feb. 15-22, 2009. By…

  • Finally, a real study, and released to the public- Not surprisingly (to me anyway) the effect of wolves on elk populations varies by area and presence of other predators such as grizzly bears. In addition hunters affect elk more than wolves. When considering wolves and ungulates alone, I take this report to be generally quite…

  • Park wolf population declines by 27%- This is no surprise because everyone who followed the Park wolves this year knew that with the high wolf pup mortality from some disease the population would decline. I am skeptical that the Park wolf population will ever regain the high points reached twice in the last 5 years…

  • Bishop, below responded to Montana State Sen. Joe Balyeat who has proposed legislation cut off relations between Montana and the federal government on wolves. – – – – – – Sen. Joe Balyeat [Bozeman Chronicle Dec. 30] proposes legislation to sever Montana’s ties with federal agencies on wolf management. He fears that allowing the wolf…

  • Wolf watching good in cold and snowy Yellowstone- Once again Kathie Lynch has favored us with her detailed observations of the wolves on Yellowstone’s northern range. The redistribution of the much reduced wolf population continues, with the Druids providing a note of stability. Famous wolf 302M seems to now, finally, lead a pack, although mating…

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