Yellowstone Wolves

  • Wyoming wolf news report, Oct 6-10, 2008- Ed Bangs has produced another Wyoming wolf update today. Here it is. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – – WYOMING WOLF PROGRAM WEEKLY REPORT To: Regional Director, Region 6, Denver, Colorado From: USFWS Wyoming Wolf Recovery Project Leader, Jackson, WY Subject: Status of Gray…

  • The other day Ken Cole sent me a remarkable piece of work of his. He had taken the data I have put up since 1995 and added some additional data and made a file showing every wolf that was radio-collared in the Yellowstone Park from 1995-2008. It was a very large Excel file, which I…

  • Wolf packs attack the toughest prey in Yellowstone. By Brett French. Billings Gazette Staff. “It’s not easy being a bison-eating wolf in Yellowstone National Park.” Mollies Pack has become a rugged bison-killing wolf pack. They are a pack ideal for this with their big brawny male wolves. It’s no accident. With elk, big males in…

  • Silver Gate man spends days recording wolf movements. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. This story is about a great man almost every wolf watcher in Yellowstone Park soon meets, Ranger Rick McIntyre.

  • Below is Kathie Lynch’s detailed wolf report for the end of the summer. It sounds like the return of the Druids must have been one of the most amazing wildlife sights wolf watchers in Yellowstone have ever witnessed. Yellowstone wolf report. July 11-Aug. 20. By © Kathie Lynch Summer in Yellowstone meant hot, windy days,…

  • This is another great report by Kathie Lynch. Unfortunately, it looks like wolf watching in the Park might now be pretty slow until autumn. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – Yellowstone wolf field notes, July 8 -10. By © Kathie Lynch The Druid Peak pack finally moved their pups to their rendezvous site!…

  • Every year I have published the detailed results of the annual radio collaring of Yellowstone wolves — wolf number, color, weight, pack, the status of the wolf (such as alpha male). I was slow to do it this year. Those of you who prompted me to get to it . . . thank you! Here…

  • Kathie Lynch is spending the summer in Yellowstone. This is her first report of the summer. The Druid pups have finally been seen, and there are at least nine. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – YNP WOLF Notes, June 16-July 5, 2008 By © Kathie Lynch Yellowstone’s late spring rain and snow…

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