Yellowstone Wolves

  • “Buffaloed” posted this information in an earlier thread, but so everyone interested can find it, here it the link to the 2007 Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2007 Interagency Annual Report. I suppose this will be the last federal report one unless delisting is set aside. Each state might produce one each year in the future…

  • Opinion in the Seattle Times. By Brenda Peterson. Major guest opinions like this are very helpful reminding Americans and others why the wolves were restored and what is at stake with state management.

  • Here is another of Kathie’s Yellowstone wolf reports. For me these are a great antidote for all the bad news outside the Park. The wolves’ season of romance (excuse me, “mating season”) is much more complex and extravagant than biologists used to think. Ralph Maughan __________________ YNP WOLF Field Notes, Feb. 16-24, 2008 By ©…


  • Although I expect Kathie Lynch may soon have a detailed report, I got information about a few items today. The Bechler Pack of SW Yellowstone (the only pack down there) was finally seen. It had eleven members and was several miles south of the Park near the Idaho/Wyoming border. While they will go back to…

  • There haven’t been as many stories in the MSM the last few years about the Yellowstone wolves. Instead the stories have been about how the states are going to get “management flexibility” so they can stop using a variety of methods of management and just kill them. Today, however, the Jackson Hole Star Tribune has…

  • Here is the latest update on the wolves of Yellowstone Park. As usual there is a lot of news, especially interesting to those who follow the Park wolves closely. Perhaps most important, however, is that the non-native parasitic mange infestation has finally spread from either Wyoming, or more likely Montana into the Park. The first…

  • I haven’t gathered any news about Yellowstone Park wolves lately due to pressing controversies, but Kathie Lynch told me that the surviving Haydens were seen about a month ago near the high bridge east of Mammoth — “1 gray adult, 2 gray pups, and everybody’s favorite black pup.” I’ll try to get some news soon.

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