Yellowstone Wolves

  • State wolf rules go to public. By CHRIS MERRILL. Casper Star-Tribune environment reporter. Of course Wyoming’s wolf plan is terrible and will result in the elimination of most packs except those inside Yellowstone Park. This would only happen under the Bush Administration. They will be shooting wolves because the wolves will come to their disease-spreading…

  • This is from Rocky Barker’s blog today. Idaho Statesman. I’ve been aware for some time that not everyone believes the now readily apparant (and predicted) spurt of growth of willows, aspen, and cottonwood on the Northern Range of Yellowstone is not a wolf upon elk effect. I think it could be both wolves and a…

  • Drought is wolves’ ally in hunt for park elk. Lack of precipitation is a big factor in Yellowstone’s declining wapiti numbers. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. “The range [condition] in Yellowstone going into this winter is the worst I’ve ever seen,” Smith said.

  • Kathie Lynch has another of her great northern range wolf reports. This one focuses on the fast approaching mating season, a time of year when new bonds are temporarily, and sometimes permanently formed, and as it has been discovered in recent genetic research on the Yellowstone wolves, there is much outbreeding from many packs (and…

  • There have been a number of stories on this. Here is the view of Earth Justice, who might possibly represent any litigants of the killing plan. Many Wyoming politicians have long tried to confine nature to Yellowstone Park, and they are succeeding, and the rest of the wide open spaces are being industrialized for oil,…

  • Tom Mazzarisi, ranger at Madison in YNP told me that things have not gone well for the 5 remaining Haydens who had been hanging out in the Madison River since being attacked and driven from the Canyon area by the larger Mollies Pack. He told me something I didn’t know — last winter they spent…

  • It turns out to be true, but the identification of the particular wolf was wrong. Ed Bangs just sent this info out. The boldface is mine: “Correction- The frequency for the collared Idaho wolf in Yellowstone NP thought to be B195 is actually coming from Idaho wolf B271M. The two wolves had frequencies close to…

  • Jon Way just got back from Yellowstone, and he has a report on some of the same events covered by Kathie Lynch. He also has photos. It is at his web page: Update November 28, 2007: Yellowstone trip with more pictures added Nov. 29!

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