Yellowstone Wolves

  • Kathie Lynch has sent a report for June 17-23, 2007. It follows. Thanks Kathie! There is not too much to report from Yellowstone right now as the wolf watching has been pretty quiet. We see the occasional Agate Creek adult traveling by in their traditional Antelope Creek den area. And, we have occasional Slough Creek…

  • Post 1181 Kathie Lynch just sent me her Memorial Day wolf watching report, actually it is a couple days old because I went driving, hiking, and camping in the Beaverheads/Lemhis on, and near the Idaho/Montana border. No wolf observations, but lots of elk and pronghorn. I want to thank “BE” for watching my web page…

  • I’m not sure what it means, but if it actually means wolves will be protected only in Yellowstone and Grand Teton Parks, and adjoining Wilderness areas. This really means wolves will be protected ONLY inside Yellowstone Park, and then only as long as they don’t step outside unless it is into a designated Wilderness. No…

  • The relatively new Oxbow Pack, which split late in 2005 from the Leopolds, had a double litter of eleven pups! One pup has died. Dr. Doug Smith told me today that there is a pup count from just one other pack– the “new Swan Lake Pack” has 5 pups (plus 5 and maybe 6 adults).…

  • These are from the web page of Walking Shadow Ecology. post 1129

  • Here are the data on the annual winter capture of Yellowstone Park wolves. While the weight data of 2 packs is missing, but just two of these giant “canadian wolves” that were measured topped 100 pounds. Wolf # Date of Capture Pack Sex Pelt Color Age Class Weight pounds 209F 01/30/07 LEOPOLD FEMALE BLACK ADULT…

  • The wandering Hayden Pack finally denned. They went back to their traditional den near the Hayden Valley, which is also near the busy Canyon area in the Park. People and wolf wise, this has never been a good den site because there is a lot of traffic nearby. The pack has always produced small crops…

  • I’m a but unsure this is news because every winter and spring the class of elk that wolves find the easiest to kill in Yellowstone seems to vary, but here is the article Yellowstone wolves again eating older elk. Jackson Hole News and Guide. post 1070

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