Yellowstone Wolves

  • Post 1042 When I posted my short update on what had been happening on the Northern Range yesterday, I didn’t know that Kathie Lynch was about to send a report. It follows, and answers some of the detailed questions people had. Thanks for another excellent report, Kathie. YNP WOLF field notes, April 7-15, 2007: My…

  • It is the season when pups are born in Yellowstone and across NW Wyoming, half of Montana and most of Idaho. All of the northern range wolves have denned. It looks like only the Agate Creek Pack will have a den area visible from the road. It’s the same one as last year — visible…

  • This is a guest opinion column in New West. It is proposed to reduce the obvious overpopulation of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park by hunting. There are other possbilities. Wuerthner doesn’t like the hunting option and explains why. He prefers predation of the elk. I’d like to see wolves reintroduced too, but they would…

  • The Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2006 Interagency Annual Report is out and the mainstream media are playing the story as all about continued wolf population growth and more dead livestock than before. I haven’t had time to read much of it yet, but some of the MSM statistics seem a bit suspicious to me, so…

  • The northern range Yellowstone wolf packs are increasing fighting and killing each other according to this article in the Jackson Hole News and Guide.  If you compare the 2005 and 2006 statistics on Park wolves, you may be astonished to see that the natural death and out-migration of adult wolves from the Park has been…

  • Kathie Lynch has a detailed new update of the activities of Yellowstone wolves on the northern range of the Park. Thanks Kathy! By Kathie Lynch © Nine days of wolf watching in Yellowstone (Feb. 17-25, 2007) brought the reward of seeing wolves from six packs (Druid Peak, Slough Creek, Agate Creek, Oxbow Creek, Hellroaring, and…

  • From Yellowstone, Kathie Lynch finally has some new news about injured Druid 302M and injured Agate alpha male 113M as well.  I know folks have been checking this web page for news. Here it is: Druid 302M was seen today (Feb. 22)! Despite his rear leg injury, he was able to move at a run…

  • This will be of great interest to Yellowstone wolf watchers, especially because of 302’s long career, and his patent courting of the Druid Pack, until he finally joined after 21M was dead. Alan Sachanowski, who has provided so many great photos and stories about the Yellowstone wolves wrote. Here are a couple photos of a…

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