Yellowstone Wolves

  • I get a lot of email about wolves in Yellowstone. Is this a good time to see them? NO Dr. Doug Smith told me that the only viewing action is off and on in the Lamar and lower Slough Creek Pack and in Antelope Creek (that’s on the road between Tower Falls and Mt. Washburn).…

  • In my last update on the Yellowstone Park wolves, I forgot to give information on the Cougar Creek Pack; and there was no information available on the Cougar Creek II Pack. Here it is

  • So what is happening with the wolves in Yellowstone Park? Here is a complete update. The information came mostly from Dr. Doug Smith, head of the Yellowstone wolf project. We talked, and I wrote it down, and interpreted it based on my knowledge of the packs.

  • Yellowstone Park’s most famous wolf pack, the Druid Peak Pack, had declined to just 4 wolves by the end of 2005. But my how things can change.

  • Last April a large wolf-like “canid” was found dead along I-90 east of Sturgis, SD. Examination of its stomach contents showed it had been subsisting on deer. Was it a wolf, a wolf hybrid, a pet wolf that had been released? After much laboratory investigation and genetic analysis, it turns out it was a wolf…

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