Yellowstone Wolves

  • Wolf 692f illegally shot outside Yellowstone Park- While there is no evidence any Yellowstone Park wolves have been killed inside the Park, in November a dispersed member of the Blacktail pack was shot near Gardiner, MT outside the Park about 4 weeks after the legal hunting in that zone closed. Wolf 692F, who wore a…

  • Beyond 4 wolves in a chase, success falls because of “free riders-“ The idea that big wolf packs menace elk more than small ones when it comes to killing them just isn’t so according to a new study of Yellowstone wolves.  Researchers found that hunting success falls beyond 4 wolves not because wolves get in…

  • Autumn 2011- Golden aspens and cottonwoods, plus a dusting of early snow, set the lovely autumn scene in Yellowstone, giving a hint of winter to come. As the grizzlies head up to the high country to fatten up on white bark pine nuts before hibernation, bugling elk stream back into the valleys, coming down from…

  • Some wolves hunted and lived after severe injuries- Sue Ware, a paleopathologist, has examined the skeletons of about 160 Park wolves, and found numerous injuries and reinjuries, but she says Park are wolves healthier on the whole than others she has studied.  Yellowstone wolf skeletons hint at their lives. By Brett French. Billings Gazette.

  • Quota of three wolves is filled- Montana wolf hunters have killed the small quota of just 3 wolves immediately north of Yellowstone Park, so the wolf hunt there is now closed. It is subunit 313-316 of wolf management unit 390. The quota next to the Park was set low because it is bad public relations…

  • Epic wildlife battle takes place under the moonlight by cabin in small town next to Yellowstone Park- Some people have great luck, I wish I could have been at this man’s cabin. In case you don’t know Silver Gate, Montana (permanent population about 20), it is a tiny and very old town right at the…

  • Kathie Lynch reports on bounty of summer life among the wolves, bison, elk, bears and vegetation of Yellowstone Park- Story copyright © Kathie Lynch 2011 There is only one word to describe the beauty of Yellowstone in summer: breathtaking! After winter’s world of eternal white, the colors of early summer’s palate leap at your eye–grass green,…

  • Kathie Lynch has written her latest Yellowstone wolf report.  It is always a cheer when Kathie writes about this place where wolves can live, wild and free. Wolf watching in April this year sounds very cold, but the wolves love it! Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – – April 2011 wolf…

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