Closure around Yellowstone, no more wolves will be hunted, none will be trapped- In the much anticipated Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission meeting today, the Commission voted 4-1 to close a buffer around the Montana part of Yellowstone National Park to hunting and the upcoming wolf trapping season. Commission Chair Bob Ream said the…
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission meets Monday- Five years ago few would have ever believed they would think of trapping wolves right on the YNP boundary, given its status as a national park and the clear knowledge the wolves are concentrated in northern part of the Park near the boundary. The reality today is…
Wolf “06”, the alpha female of the Yellowstone’s Lamar Canyon Pack has been shot in Wyoming by a hunter. Wolf “06” was probably the most famous wolf in Yellowstone and had been viewed by thousands of Park visitors. She was also part of the ongoing study of wolves that has been conducted in Yellowstone since…
Wolfwatcher wants old wolf hunting sub-units from Montana 2011 hunt reestablished- Yellowstone Park’s response to dead Park wolves is blasé- Controversy over the seven dead Yellowstone Park wolves killed in the Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming hunting seasons continues. None of the Park wolves were actually killed inside the Park. This would be illegal, but most…
Supposedly protected Yellowstone Park wolves were slaughtered in Montana and Wyoming state wolf hunts. We predicted would happen. The Wildlife News, along with hundreds of other people, predicted that the Montana and Wyoming wolf hunts would end up killing many wolves that live inside Yellowstone Park (which is supposed to be a no hunting area)…
At least 50 dead griz, but population said to grow by 15- The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem stretches over about 18-million acres and into 3 states. Grizzly bears inhabit about 2/3 of that to some degree, hardly being confined to the smallish 2.2 million acres of Yellowstone National Park. Grizzly bear numbers have been growing for…
2012 was banner year for number of lake trout removed from Yellowstone Lake- Yellowstone cutthroat trout numbers are finally seen to be increasing in what once was the world’s greatest Yellowstone cutthroat trout fishery — Yellowstone Lake. A herculean effort over the last 3 years has resulted in the removal 300,000 of the invasive and…
Much discussed case ends with victory for bear researchers- Yolanda Evert sued the federal government over the grizzly mauling death of her husband Erwin Evert as he walked near the Kitty Creek trail on June 17, 2010. Erwin Evert came upon a male grizzly that had very recently been trapped, tranquilized, and radio-collared. The bear…