
  • Their ancient struggle apparently has little effect on their populations- That’s the conclusion of Dr. Doug Smith who heads the Park’s wolf program. I think that might well be true overall, but Yellowstone Park is a small place when it comes to major predators.  With the wolf population in the Park as small as it…

  • Park bison killed by small arms fire- It is redundant to call this sad and dangerous. Small arms are used not primarily to cause suffering, but to avoid a loud report from the gun attracting attention. Rural neighbors who are out to settle scores kill each others livestock this way. Montana probes killing of Yellowstone…

  • Some good news at a time of general craziness- A “Bison conservation area” will be established in the Gardiner Basin, and for the first time it looks like migrating bison that cross the Yellowstone Park boundary on the north end will be allowed to roam rather than be shot or trucked off to slaughter. Although…

  • The 600 temporarily captured bison eat about 6 tons of hay a day- For whatever the real reason Montana’s Governor Schweitzer spared the bison captured at the northern boundary of Yellowstone Park, most folks on this forum were pleased. The bison do eat a lot of hay and, of course, the feeding increases the chance…

  • “On bigotry and bison management at Yellowstone National Park”- It think this is a fine opinion piece in New West. Is Gardiner, Montana, the Selma, Alabama, of Wildlife Conservation? By Michael Leach, Guest Writer. I kind of feel the same way as Leach. – – – – Note that Leach, who used to work for…

  • Kathie Lynch reveals fascinating new landscape of the wolves of northern Yellowstone- Kathie Lynch is now perhaps the only person writing publicly the details of the Yellowstone Park wolves.  With more change than continuity in the last year, her most recent report takes us into the wolf world of the Blacktails, Lamars, Agates, Canyon, and…

  • It’s good to recall the reasons- Norman A Bishop was a naturalist interpreter for many years at Yellowstone Park, and played a key role in the wolf restoration.  He is retired and continues a vigorous life, partly as an expert ski racer. He holds many positions including the board of the Wolf Recovery Foundation, of…

  • Heavy snowfall sends elk to refuge. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole Daily. It is shaping up to be a snowy winter in southern Idaho and Western Wyoming.

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