
  • This is a surprise, for sure. What does it mean? Kempthorne announces federal bison initiative. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. It seems to me that on the basis of what JB and others have commented here, that this plan (assuming it to be real) could withstand a petition for putting the bison…

  • More grizzly bear deaths. Mortality quota exceeded for male and female bears in Greater Yellowstone- States can’t manage grizzlies and they should be relisted- Two grizzly bear cubs shot in NW Wyoming. AP. Oct. 27 The brief article doesn’t mention the ESA implications, but my earlier post certainly leads to the conclusion that both male…

  • Given a situation like this in the most problematic state — Wyoming — what does this say about delisting? This article covers some of the same ground as my ealier report on the current situation with the Yellowstone Park wolves. In fact we don’t even know that the decline is limited to the Park boundaries.…

  • Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bear population doing OK (but bear mortality up)- Male grizzly death limits have been exceeded this year- BOZEMAN – The Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) comprised of state and federal agencies that monitor grizzly bear population trends in the Yellowstone Ecosystem, reports there were 44 unduplicated females with cubs of the…

  • Infected moose in SW of Jackson, plus Forest Service renewal of elk feedgrounds and doubledealing stoke the issue- Wildlife disease debate heats up. By Chris Merrill.  Casper Star-Tribune environment reporter. I have this feeling that the Forest Service and Wyoming Game and Fish are about as trusty as sub-prime mortgage investments. Update. Oct. 22, 2008. Groups…

  • First case of “mad elk” (chronic wasting disease) in the Greater Yellowstone area- Not surprisingly there a several Wyoming Game and Fish winter feedlots in this valley near the Idaho border for keeping elk like livestock and feeding them in the winter. Moose in Star Valley tests positive for chronic wasting disease. By Cory Hatch.…

  • As most of you are aware, this is produced by Idaho Fish and Game Dept. There is more actual news in this one, including a new population estimate that shows Idaho’s wolf population up slightly compared to last year’s “end of the year” — official — report. In this report and others, it is becoming…

  • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) looks to be working on new regulations to deal with brucellosis: Brucellosis plan suggests special Yellowstone area – AP The plan as now envisioned does not call for eradicating brucellosis in wildlife. McCluskey said that would have to be dealt with separately.

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