
  • McCain, Obama Talk Sportsmen’s Issues with Field & Stream. By Matthew Frank. New West. Some folks will like to hear this . . . “[Obama’s] favorite piece of public land is Yellowstone.” All in all, too much talk about guns. This should be a minor issue for hunters now that the Supreme Court interpreted the…

  • I notice a lot of people have been reading this story on the gate failures at Hebgen Dam, the news of which was first brought to us on Sept. 1 by “Idahosal.” (Salle) They thought they had the way to fix the broken headgates at the dam, but it failed. Oh Oh1 PPL back to…

  • Anthrax NW of Yellowstone now killing wildlife. Bozeman Chronicle. By Jessica Mayrer The anthrax that has killed about 250 of Ted Turner’s bison is now killing deer and elk in the area. When I think of this and Montana Department of Livestock’s single-minded focus on brucellosis, it makes me furious. Apparently the anthrax was dormant…

  • I’ve just learned from Salle E. that something is wrong with Hebgen Dam near West Yellowstone and the area downstream is being evacuated due to flooding flows of the Madison River. I see nothing on-line yet. Update. Here is a news story. It looks like a gate is stuck open and a lot of water…

  • Rocky Barker has written extensively about the Yellowstone fires and fire policy in general with a book (Scorched Earth) on the role of forest fires fighting and the history of the public lands. Today he has a feature article on how the lessons from ’88 have been learned and applied and also not learned or…

  • Gunbarrel still on fire. Long-term plan uses fire to clear forest of beetle-killed trees. By Ruffin Prevost. Billings Gazette Wyoming Bureau. The fire is now 50 square miles and serving to clear out a part of the North Absaroka Wilderness that was a deadfall jungle (not that access was ever easy, given the rugged terrain…

  • We have been writing about his since 2006 on this blog. Recently, I linked to a site I named “How Now, Mad Cow“on my blogroll. RM Mysterious, fatal disease bound for elk feedgrounds. A cousin of mad cow, chronic wasting disease is a worry for Jackson Hole’s wildlife economy. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News…

  • Winds have blown this backcountry/wilderness fire to the east of Yellowstone Park closer to the East Entrance road. It was started by a campfire and has mostly burned in very rugged country filled with bug-killed timber, producing a huge plume of smoke. North winds challenge Gunbarrel fire lines. By Ruffin Prevost. Billings Gazette. Update. August…

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