
  • Need a good laugh that isn’t funny? The Elk Vaccination Follies. By Bill Schneider. New West. “FWP has doubled the elk quota around Yellowstone with minimal public input and is now talking about capturing 350 elk in the Paradise Valley to test the prevalence of brucellosis, which is commonly believed to be very low.” Robert…

  • Board brings back ‘split-state’ status. By Matt Gouras. Associated Press. Thank god! Let’s hope they adopt it. It is only one of the proposals they are considering.

  • Yellowstone 88 fires retrospective moves into high gear. Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Rocky has written a huge amount of copy over the years about the Yellowstone fires of ’88 and forest fire policy in general.

  • Robert Hoskins, one of the best informed people who post to this web site, is, of course, active writing in many publications. Recently he had a good LTE to the Billings Gazette. Brucellosis management has utterly failed. In Google News comments, he follows up on the Montana brucellosis in great detail. There Is No Scientific…

  • Yellowstone fires 20 years later: Back after the burn. By Brett French. Billings Gazette

  • What an outrage! The officials who speak for this special interest group need to be put in their place. This should be a national campaign issue. Focus on elk as brucellosis persists near Yellowstone. By Matthew Brown, Associated Press Writer. They will have to kill every elk in the Greater Yellowstone, and, of course, every…

  • Another cow has been found to be infected with brucellosis costing the state of Montana its brucellosis-free status : Sick Cow Costs Montana Its Brucellosis-Free Status – Mathew Brown – AP The cow in question was among a herd in Paradise Valley south of Livingston. NewWest’s coverage reveals the state’s astonishment : Montana veterinarian Marty…

  • In Montana, bison plan paused. Ranchers and conservationists are increasingly at odds, as Yellowstone herd numbers plunge. By Todd Wilkinson. Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor. Actually, I think the genetically pure bison is now in danger of extinction and should be added to the endangered species list.

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