
  • Utahn scalded by hidden pool. Woman was walking with family members on established dirt trail. By Lindsay Whitehurst. The Salt Lake Tribune

  • Kathie Lynch just wrote another of her popular reports on Yellowstone wolves. Very few pups have been seen so far. That doesn’t mean they aren’t there, but in the case of the Slough Creek Pack, they aren’t there. – – – – – – – Copyright © by Kathie Lynch. May 30, 2008 Every living…

  • The Buffalo Field Campaign Blog is sending out a notice of the Montana Department of Livestock’s intent to slaughter 9 bulls held in the Duck Creek bison trap. Urgent Action : 9 Bulls in Trap at Duck Creek Update 5/22 : 9 Bulls Slaughtered by the State of Montana

  • Groups: Stop hazing bison near Yellowstone – Jackson Hole Daily It has got to be hell watching what is happening with those bison calves being pushed 20 + miles.

  • I found this documentary (The Bison Haze) linked to the Buffalo Field Campaign blog.

  • This is from the Buffalo Field Campaign. I edited it to put all their links at the end (suggestion, more people will read the news if they find it quickly). Ralph Maughan _____________________________________ Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field May 1, 2008 —————————— In this issue: * Update from the Field *…

  • National Geographic Society’s Center for Sustainable Destinations, in partnership with several conservation and tourism organizations (click here to see full list ), most notably Wyoming Travel and Tourism have launched a giant “geotourism” program for the Greater Yellowstone Region (click here for the main page of the project website). The effort is intended to “celebrate…

  • The various bison killing agencies have announced they will kill no more bison around Yellowstone this spring.  They did not mention whether they would haze the starving animals off of greening areas such as Horse Butte. They indicated that although the number had been cut in half, there would be no problem regenerating the herd…

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