
  • “A jackrabbit found throughout much of the West has disappeared from the Yellowstone area, although the reason why remains a mystery, a new study concludes.” Scientist says jackrabbits are gone from Yellowstone. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press writer. Dr. Joel Berger seems to be doing a lot of newsworthy research.

  • Montana DOL in complicity with Yellowstone Park is at it again, corraling bison, from inside the Park, and sending most to slaughter. Rather than repeat my past reasoning about this, or my rants, there is a good article by George Wuerthner in New West. Yellowstone Bison Slaughter a Sham. By George Wuerthner. New West.

  • Dr. Joel Berger has become notable for his research on Greater Yellowstone moose. In this interview with the New York Times he talks about how the growing presence of grizzly bears in the Grand Teton NP area is related to, may result in moose moving closer to roads to escape grizzly bear predation on their…

  • Alert on Idaho roadless areas- On December 26, 2007, the Forest Service released its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that seeks to weaken protections for much of Idaho’s 9.3 million acres of roadless lands. Nearly 6 million acres of those lands would be opened to potential logging and mineral development. An additional 600,000 acres in…

  • This is part of a much larger water resource bill Bush vetoed. He said was too expensive. Congress overroad his veto. This is from the Greater Yellowstone e-news. “Congress authorizes $30 million to protect Yellowstone River – It’s been over a decade since the historic floods of 1996-97 spurred an unprecedented wave of environmentally-destructive bank…

  • Here is the latest update on the wolves of Yellowstone Park. As usual there is a lot of news, especially interesting to those who follow the Park wolves closely. Perhaps most important, however, is that the non-native parasitic mange infestation has finally spread from either Wyoming, or more likely Montana into the Park. The first…

  • State wolf rules go to public. By CHRIS MERRILL. Casper Star-Tribune environment reporter. Of course Wyoming’s wolf plan is terrible and will result in the elimination of most packs except those inside Yellowstone Park. This would only happen under the Bush Administration. They will be shooting wolves because the wolves will come to their disease-spreading…

  • In Yellowstone, drought’s effects startling, subtle. By Mike Stark.

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