
  • A couple just bought much of the top of Horse Butte, a place bison love to come when they leave Yellowstone Park searching for grass, and where Montana DOL loves to capture them for slaughter and haze them back in the Park to “protect” the non-existent cattle from getting brucellosis from the bison. The new…

  • While it’s too soon to blame this on state management, the first year of state-run Greater Yellowstone grizzly management has seen too many deaths of grizzly sows, a very important parameter in keeping the delisted bear population from a relisting. Story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. Grizzly sow deaths close to upper limit.…

  • Here is the info on when the two documentaries we have been discussing will appear on television. I want to thank skyrim for gathering it. He emailed the following to me: Excerpt from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. . . “Wolves in Paradise” will be aired on Montana PBS at 7 p.m. on Nov. 1…

  • The Missoulian has this: Brucellosis plan divides state’s cattle groups. The Montana Stockgrowers Association and the Montana Cattlemen’s Association are split on Schweitzer’s thoughts of breaking the Yellowstone region from the rest of the state with regard to brucellosis-free status. Brucellosis has been used to stir up the annual slaughter of Yellowstone’s wild buffalo by…

  • Rocky Barker has a short and interesting blog as to how the presence of roads affects the interaction of predators and prey. Yellowstone moose use roads to outsmart grizzly bears. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Update: I just found this. It’s the same story with a somewhat different slant on the matter. It’s from Science…

  • As posted some weeks ago, this was a fine year for the whitebark pine nuts in the Greater Yellowstone area. So was last year, and one result is a lot of grizzly bear cubs born and survived. Yellowstone brims with grizzly cubs. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette. The article above and Rocky Barker’s blog both…

  • This is from the Casper Star Tribune. I made a update on it last night, but it was way down to a past post on the matter, so I decided to move it to the top. Probe Clears Elk Rancher. AP. Casper Star Tribune. Perhaps Ferguson, who owns the ranch, was obeying Idaho’s law, but…

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