Search results for: “Public lands”

  • In October, Ralph commented on Larry Craig dropping his opposition to protecting the Snake River in Wyoming.  A change of heart from an Idaho politician renowned for his anti-environmentalist zeal ?  Not quite.  The bill is lumped with a bunch of bills in the massive Omnibus public lands bill.  The motivation for Craig’s “turnabout” is…

  • Consensus decision-making is incompatable with the rule of law- Obama, Salazar and the Future of America’s Public Lands. Interior Decorating. By Dr. Brian Horejsi. Counterpunch.

  • Early resurrection planned in the next Congress- Although it was supposed to move in the lame duck session, that session fizzles and the bill was pulled under threat of filibuster by Tom Coburn (R-OK). Senator Reid, the major leader, has announced that an unrevised version of the massive public land bill (pieces of public lands…

  • Senator Coburn (R-OK) threatens filibuster. Reid pulls omnibus public lands bill- There was a lot of good and bad in this bill, but it is dead; and some of the good areas won’t be around to save in a year or two when this comes up again in some form. Public lands bill looks dead…

  • Lame-duck public lands blockbuster legislation expected- Assuming there is a lame duck session of Congress (very likely), this bill could designate a lot of public land areas “this” or “that.” 53 new measures were added to the omnibus bill on Oct. 31. It is hard to figure out what is in this bill. Here is…

  • Eighty per cent of Utah’s scenic BLM lands opened at last minute to drilling- Bush administration rushing to open Utah lands to energy development. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Bush Administration Christmas Gift to Oil Companies Will Be Announced on Election Day. Sale of Pristine Wilderness Slated to Happen Six Days Before Christmas.…

  • U.S. Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva has issued a report chronicling a partial list of the Bush Administration’s assault on protections of your public lands: A Report on the Bush Administration Assaults on Our National Parks, Forests and Public Lands A couple examples of interest to Yellowstone : Greatest Slaughter of Bison in the United States…

  • Mike Hudak has written a book about what it is like for the citizen-activists who are fighting the livestock industry over livestock abuses on your western public lands. It can be pretty dangerous, especially to your job. Review of the book. The Politics of Public Lands Ranching. Western Turf Wars. By Jamie Newlin. Counterpunch. I…

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