Search results for: “Public lands”

  • Conservationists Seek Emergency Injunction To Prevent Slaughter of Yellowstone Bison Harsh Winter Conditions May Lead to Repeat of 2008 Slaughter Contacts: Tom Woodbury, Western Watersheds Project: (406) 830-3099 Dan Brister, Buffalo Field Campaign: (406) 726-5555 Mike Mease, Buffalo Field Campaign: (406) 646-0071 Glenn Hockett, Gallatin Wildlife Association: (406) 581-6352 HELENA, MONTANA – A coalition of…

  • Suit Filed to Protect One of Nevada’s Largest Bat Roosts, National Park For immediate release – January 25, 2011 Contacts: Jon Marvel, Executive Director Western Watersheds Project, 208.788.2290 Rob Mrowka, Center for Biological Diversity, 702.249.5821 LAS VEGAS, Nev – Two conservation groups and three Indian Tribes filed suit today to protect a pristine mountain valley…

  • Pinyon and juniper trees, demonized by ranchers, miners and water mining entities, are being eyed by Chinese “biomass” companies with the backing of politicians. Recently the Nevada Pinyon-Juniper Partnership, aided by USDA, set up a conference to discuss pinyon and juniper trees. At the conference were several players in government and business who have an…

  • Endangered Desert Tortoise Further Imperiled by Remote Solar Plant For several months we’ve been covering the progress of the, now approved, solar power plant at Ivanpah near Las Vegas on the California side of the Nevada/California border. Initial construction has begun and biologists have rounded up as many desert tortoises as they can to prepare…

  • Church Universal and Triumphant paid about $285 $314 per AUM under the $3 million deal Articles about how the perennial saga of hazing, capturing, slaughtering, and hunting bison is starting once again in and around Yellowstone National Park. There is one change this year though that has left me scratching my head. This is the…

  • YELLOWSTONE CAPTURES WILD BISON 23 of America’s Last Wild Bison Trapped at Stephens Creek for Royal Teton Ranch Land Lease Experiment FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 5, 2011 Contacts: Mike Mease, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0070 Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-644-2499 GARDINER, MONTANA: Yellowstone National Park and Montana Department of Livestock officials captured twenty-three of…

  • Drops gassing of pups in their dens and sterilization but continues heavy handed killing of wolves. Public Comments accepted until January 3, 2011 In anticipation of Monday’s federal court hearing of a case brought by Western Watersheds Project, Wildlife Services has revised its Idaho Wolf Environmental Assessment. While the new EA drops gassing of wolf…

  • “I can assure you there will be a protracted legal fight using all legal means available to stop the project” Some of the really great things I enjoy about living in the west are the obscure landscapes/mountain ranges.  Unlike national parks, ‘W‘ilderness areas, National Monuments and other landscapes prominently highlighted on any western map, there…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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