Search results for: “Public lands”

  • Wind Farms On Public Land Stymied By Eagle Concerns, Radar Interference The article notes a growing recognition of conflicts wind development on public lands are running into, slowing wind development on public lands across the West. Eagle Concerns Stymie Wind Farms – AP The only project approved is the Spring Valley wind farm in Nevada…

  • Big Energy companies with criminal records given billions in stimulus funds to wreak havoc on our public lands and wildlife. The Center for Public Integrity has issued a stinging report on how the Obama Administration has bypassed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) when issuing permits for energy and other projects which involve federal lands…

  • Where NOT to hastily site an Industrial-scale Wind Energy Project Just north of Great Basin National Park, east of Ely in Eastern Nevada, lies a public landscape called Spring Valley. Spring Valley is a miraculous place, renowned for its magnificent skies and as critical habitat for sagebrush obligate species such as sage grouse and pygmy…

  • 17,000 dead bats/year in Oregon before a proposed 15-fold increase in wind energy. The drumbeat behind the “green energy” movement is beating louder for wind farms across the landscape, especially on public lands. At the rate that things are going there may be huge effects on bats and birds of many types. Oregon Field Guide…

  • Solar Gold: Mojave Desert Facing Ecosystem Collapse Robert Lundahl films the voices of the Mojave who are being steam-rolled by Energy development on your public lands : [vodpod id=Video.4770655&w=425&h=350&fv=] Solar Gold documents the impacts of Large Solar development on the Mojave Desert ecosystems and cultural resources.

  • Representative Raúl M. Grijalva ‘gets it’ before it needs gettin’.  Salazar is an industry apologist Representative Raúl M. Grijalva issued a press release highlighting a recent Washington Post article describing how his foresight on offshore drilling, a foresight directly pertinent to any hope at having spared the world the worst environmental disaster in history, is…

  • Jon Marvel sees two ways to get cows and sheep to stop grazing on public lands: Politics and litigation. He chooses the latter. Dennis Higman does a profile on Jon for NewWest. Fortunate for all of us who care about western public lands and wildlife, the degree to which ranchers and their politician lap-dogs whine…

  • Saving America’s Mustangs: A Prospectus Recently, Madeleine Pickens purchased the 14,000 acre Spruce Ranch and gained control of adjacent BLM livestock grazing allotments amounting to 500,000 acres between Wells and Ely, Nevada. This private land acquisition and control of the associated public lands sets the stage for Pickens’ intent to create a wild horse sanctuary…

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