• Land and Water Conservation Fund reauthorized- Wildlife and Earth-trashing riders were deleted- There is some good news in the massive spending bill to fund the government. A months long battle to prevent a rider that would delist wolves in the Great Lakes and Wyoming was successful. The wolves will remain on the endangered species list…

  • Northern spotted owl declines about 4% a year- Throughout its range in the United States, the northern spotted owl has declined at nearly 4% a year from 1985 to 2013, according to a paper published in the Condor. The findings came from eleven study areas in northern California, Oregon and Washington. The owl also lives…

  • Lawsuit to the Supreme Court being prepared- Responding to a report from a New Orleans law firm hired by the Utah Legislature to do a legal analysis of Utah taking away the public lands of the United States, the legislature has ordered the preparation of a lawsuit to do that. In the past several years…

  • Yellowstone Wolf Update: December 2015   © Kathie Lynch 2015 – – – It’s not very often that you get to have a 38-wolf/four-pack day in Yellowstone. But, when the Mollies venture north to the homes of the Lamar Canyon, Junction Butte, and Prospect Peak packs, anything can happen. Actually, if every individual in the…

  • Conservationists, if they wish to succeed in legislating more wilderness and parks in the West, must actively counter the misinformation and flawed logic surrounding forest health, thinning and wildfires. It may seem counter-intuitive, but fighting the fear of fire is, often, the best way to promote new wilderness/park designation. There is an on-going effort by…

  • Recently Yellowstone National Park announced the intentions of culling (read kill) as many as a thousand of the park’s genetically unique and only continuously wild herd of bison. The annual slaughter has no basis in science, and is ethically bankrupt and corrupted management precipitated by ranching interests. The slaying of bison is an annual event.…

  • As delegates meet in Paris in the next few weeks to consider ways of reducing human-caused climate change, one topic that is unlikely to get much focus is the contribution that protected areas make in mitigating human-caused GHG emissions. Parks, wilderness areas, and other nature reserves are generally off-limits to development and exploitation from livestock…

  • The Plan to Turn Brooks Camp Into a Theme Park- By Dr. Barrie Gilbert One of Alaska’s most treasured bear-viewing sites is about to be turned into a destination theme park, sacrificing grizzly bear habitat on the altar of commercial development. After a decade of development planning, EIS and public input, once aimed at major…

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