Search results for: “Public lands”

  • Online Messenger #177 Western Watersheds Project wins in Oregon, Nevada, and Idaho and Continues our Push For Environmental & Fiscal Responsibility Throughout the West ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Western Watersheds Project, with the help of many of our allies in the conservation community, has been bringing much needed change to public lands and wildlife management…

  • Dozens of Environmental Groups and Scientists sign letter asking Obama for Ken Salazar’s Resignation. WildEarth Guardians initiated the drive to find signatories to the letter in which a number of conservation groups and scientists have called for the resignation of Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar. Many of the signatories had asked Obama to not appoint…

  • The privatization of public bison has spurred quite the controversy in Montana The insanity of bison mis-management in and around Yellowstone National Park has prompted the privatization of this iconic wildlife species. Buffalo Roam Into Controversy ~ (Audio) ~ NPR – On Point Bison from the park have been hazed and quarantined for ‘study’ under the…

  • The myth continues. You can show the livestock thugs all the evidence in the world that they are wrong and inhumane but they will forever lie. Here is this week’s update from the Buffalo Field Campaign. There is a very interesting video showing the birth of a buffalo calf where the mother consumes the entire…

  • Politics still reigns supreme in the Interior Department A new report outlines how very little has changed under Obama and Salazar. Science is being ignored and managers manipulate it to support predetermined political outcomes. In my experience, I would say that the Interior Department under Obama and Salazar is as bad or worse than under…

  • Nevada’s energy chief wants to take Federal Lands and hand them over to energy companies. Jim Groth, an appointee of Governor Jim Gibbons, published a declaration which calls for turning the State of Nevada into an energy colony and he doesn’t think it should be subject to National Environmental Policy Act requirements. “The greatest thing…

  • Montanans for Trap Free Public Lands working to gather signatures for a Montana Ballot Initiative. Montanans for Trap Free Public Lands is out pounding the street to get signatures for its ballot initiative to ban trapping on public lands. They have gathered 6000+ signatures and they need 25,000 by June to get it on the…

  • Information is needed to understand who the program benefits and how many livestock are grazing public lands The program that is heavily subsidized by the public to the tune of $123 million annually is veiled in secrecy. Welfare ranching of public lands, simply put, is the subsidized destruction of our public lands for the benefit…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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