Search results for: “Public lands”

  • But they continue to ignore the biggest threat to their habitat……….. GRAZING. $16 million in handouts for this year alone. The NRCS is handing out more money to ranchers for “habitat conservation” or “habitat improvement” projects that maintain grazing on public lands. There are some projects such as fence removal that will be funded but…

  • 5-year “demonstration project” to compensate ranchers and fund proactive, non-lethal activities. The USFWS has announced how it will disperse $1 million annually to the states with wolves for 5 years. This funding was approved in the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 which created several wilderness areas such as the Owyhee Wilderness in southern…

  • Southern Utah county hides behind huge records request fee to keep citizens in the dark over efforts to build roads all over the public lands- My hope is this county of inbred idiots keeps losing and wasting money until the public is totally outraged Kane road battle turns into fight over records. By Mark Havnes.…

  • Bill would add about 26,000 acres to wilderness protected areas just east of Salt Lake City- A pretty fair portion of the rugged divides between the major Wasatch Mountain canyons at Salt Lake City are already protected as Wilderness. Rep. Matheson proposes to add to the Mount Olympus, Twin Peaks and Lone Peak wilderness and…

  • A group of environmentalists says renewable energy goal shouldn’t come with destruction of native plant, animal life In the Ivanpah Solar site lies on public lands in the center of very important desert tortoise habitat so the company proposes to move those tortoise to a new area before construction begins. This is a strategy that…

  • “Wildlife Services agents no longer need FWP authorization to kill wolves at or near confirmed livestock depredation sites.” This is about the worst scenario for wolves of Montana that could be concocted by the state, especially while the decision to delist them is being considered in the courts. This nudges wolves even closer to a…

  • ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Today, in response to successful litigation brought by Western Watersheds Project and our attorneys at Advocates For The West, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced Greater Sage Grouse would not be protected by listing the species under the protections of the Endangered Species Act. The Secretary did acknowledge that listing…

  • Fake outrage over memo on national monuments being used to gin up grab of our public lands- I’ve been meaning to write something about this because it is as plain as day that they are up to this. However, RLMiller did it first on the Daily Kos, so here it is. Return of the Sagebrush…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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