Search results for: “bear”

  • George Wuerthner wrote a letter to the editor making a great point about the double-standard regarding livestock/wolf conflicts – especially on public lands : In our national parks it’s illegal to leave out picnic baskets because it will lead to human-bear conflicts. To save bears, humans are fined if they fail to put away food.…

  • Today is the 35th anniversary of the ESA. Michael J. Robinson wrote the essay below for this forum- Thirty five years ago today, on December 28, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon signed into law the Endangered Species Act, intended not just to stave off extinction, but more broadly to conserve the ecosystems on which endangered…

  • It looks like the poacher was also a teller of unlikely stories about the vicious “Canadian” wolves- I got the latest news update from Idaho Fish and Game today. One new item told how a resident of Grangeville, Idaho, Scott Richards, had lost his hunting license for life because of chronic poaching. That name certainly…

  • This will certainly take down the great bears and orca– The irony is that B.C. did not dam its salmon streams like the United States did. Silent Fall. Posted By: Chris Genovali. B.C.’s vanishing wild salmon means trouble for all. Monday Magazine. . . . more Saving Wild Salmon, in Hopes of Saving the Orca.…

  • Latest report says mange too is now hitting the Yellowstone Park Wolves- Ed Bangs just sent out the Wyoming wolf report. It is below. I cut off the redundant “blah, blah” about delisting, etc. that is at the outset of every report. The key is news is that mange it now hitting Yellowstone Park wolves.…

  • Could a few griz have made it into this great country? This season’s efforts have found no positive evidence, although a few bears could be there. Efforts will continue, including analysis of hair (fur) collected. Grizzlies continue to elude in the Bitterroot. By Perry Backus. Ravalli Republic

  • Clean air champion Henry Waxman will be installed- John Dingell of Michigan has chaired the powerful Energy and Commerce committee for many years (when the Democrats have controlled the House). This powerful committee has jurisdiction of the Clean Air Act as well as many other matters. He has been the “Big 3” auto’s point man…

  • GYE grizzlies are probably not very diverse- Unlike the wolves, which currently have fine genetic diversity, Greater Yellowstone grizzlies are likely not diverse. Nevertheless, a study is underway to see if any unrecognised interbreeding between GYE bears and those from the north has taken place. Bears to get study. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News…

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