Search results for: “Public lands”

  • University of Idaho attempts to save face – instead, loses it further UI professor cleared of “scientific misconduct” – Idaho Statesman Update 1-9-2010. U of I ruling on sheep researcher’s ethics isn’t credible. Opinion of the Magic Valley Times News. It’s probably safe to say Marie Bulgin didn’t kill Kennedy either … but that’s it…

  • ~ by Jon Marvel Friends, On December 31, 2009 Western Watersheds Project and the Wolf Recovery Foundation welcomed the New Year by filing litigation in federal court challenging the federal government’s mismanagement of public lands and wolves in Central Idaho. Read the Associated Press article : Groups Sue to End Idaho wilderness copter landings –…

  • Montana Trap-Free Public Lands gathers signatures for ballot initiative- Group launches initiative to ban trapping in Montana. New West Unfiltered By Anja Heister and Connie Poten

  • The Obama administration may issue an order that would expand the National Environmental Policy Act’s scope to prevent global warming. The move could open up new avenues to challenge projects. I review grazing allotment renewal documents and rarely, if ever, have I seen climate change discussed.  When it is discussed, and only in response to…

  • BLM roundup of wild horses in Nevada is heated- Los Angeles Times on the Nevada “roundup” My view on wild or “feral” horses and burros is that they are non-natives species that, like cattle, damage the range and harm native wildlife. The BLM’s preoccupation with them, rather than making sure the land barons properly manage…

  • Majority have been killed for livestock losses- Despite controversy over the wolf hunt, about 60% of those killed were because the wolves killed livestock, usually just one or two animals. The large majority of the livestock retribution killing was done by Wildlife Services, not by the owners of the livestock.  I would like to see…

  • Mojave Trails National Monument would protect 941,000 acres of public land. 314,000 acres of existing ORV areas would also be protected- The article says environmentalists, hunters, and off-roaders support the legislation. Part of these areas had been targeted for big solar power developments. The total list is: Mojave Trails NM, 941,000 acres; Sand to Snow…

  • There haven’t been cattle on it for 8 years, but now it is officially closed to grazing- Despite the absence of cattle on the butte, its official status as a grazing allotment allows Montana Department of Livestock and the Montana Stockgrowers Assn. to bleat about the dangers of brucellosis from the bison that migrate out…

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