Search results for: “Public lands”

  • Bill Willers describes the looting of your public domain : Subsidies, Volunteerism and Outsourcing New Paths Toward the Loss of Our Public Lands – by William Willers counterpunch

  • When a lot of folk think about public lands and the value of these places to serve our efforts to curb global climate change they think development. They think of wind farms or solar arrays. If you think about it you can’t really blame them, that’s all they’ve had to think about – with the…

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 15, 2008 CONTACT: Brent Fenty 541-330-2638 Jon Marvel 208-788-2290 Ninth Circuit orders Bureau of Land Management to evaluate wilderness values on public lands PORTLAND, ORE. — The Bureau of Land Management must rewrite its land use plan for southeast Oregon due to a landmark decision from the Ninth Circuit Court of…

  • It has over 90 titles. Some of these are very controversial with conservationists, such as the Owyhee Public Lands Management Act in Idaho. News Release from Campaign for America’s Wilderness. Senate to consider major public lands bill.

  • There is a “showdown” hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee June 5 on the regulation of off-road vehicles on public lands. This is a news release from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. No doubt off-road groups will have a different view. – – – – – – For Immediate Release: June 4,…

  • With increasing fuel prices, the oil and gas industry is chomping at the bit to get at vast oil and gas reserves on your public lands. Oil and Gas on Public Lands Off-Limits to Exploration – ENN Report Offers Road Map for Energy Relief [Bush’s] BLM With climate change, mining, livestock grazing, timber, exotic species…

  • Yesterday I posted about the passage of the bill to protect the vast Wyoming Mountain range from oil and gas — a big matter for Wyoming. The same committee also passed Idaho Senator Mike Crapo’s “Owyhee bill,” which failed at the last minute at the end of the last Congress. This has been very controversial…

  • First, the Las Vegas Review Journal. OHV misuse criticized in U.S. House .Off-road fans, critics face off: Even riders see damages left by few. House panel told public lands overrun by ORVs. Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT). “. . . the 300 arrests and 37 injuries at a gathering of 1,000 ORV users at…

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