• Is this a question for science? I increasingly read articles or hear it said that we must learn (or remember) that humans are part of nature too. This is because, it is often argued, we share so much with other animals. The differences between us are only matters of degree, not of kind.  Those who argue…

  • This past week, Public Broadcasting’s Nature film series featured the Sagebrush Sea.  The film’s main focus was on the Greater Sage Grouse which is the emblematic creature found in this vast landscape that covers the bulk of many western states including substantial parts of New Mexico Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, California, Montana and Idaho.…

  • Lander, WY – Yesterday, Western Watersheds Project asked a Wyoming judge to dismiss a retaliatory lawsuit aimed at hiding poor water quality on public lands. The conservation organization is defending itself against a legal action brought last summer by the Wyoming livestock industry to shut down citizen oversight of environmental impacts on public land. “WWP…

  • A growing debate has serious consequences for our collective relationship to Nature. Beginning perhaps twenty years ago, a number of academics in disciplines such as history, anthropology, and geography, began to question whether there was any tangible wilderness or wild lands left on Earth. These academics, and others, have argued that humans have so completely…

  • It is time to create a new page of “Interesting Wildlife News.”     Please put your wildlife news in the comments below. Do not post copyrighted material, and here is the link to the “old” news of April 18, 2015.  

  • Litigation Cited in Decision The University of Idaho will forgo sheep grazing at a controversial research station on federal lands in Montana this summer due to an ongoing lawsuit. The University’s general counsel has stated that the school will “await further guidance through the outcome of the litigation and from the federal agencies over the…

  • http://www.americanprairie.org/news/spring-2015-newsletter/#wildsky Dear APR I am very disappointed to learn about the American Prairie Reserve’s promotion of beef. This images says it all. What is the American Prairie Foundation about? It would appear you are about preserving cows and cowboys. That surely is not what I thought you were doing. I had high hopes for the…

  • The paper Commentary: A critical assessment of the policy endorsement for holistic management published by David Briske and colleagues challenges proponents of Holistic Management advocated by Allan Savory. You can find the paper at this link. This paper by Briske et al. 2014 confirms and reiterates many of the observations and conclusions I’ve made about Savory…

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