• If states grab federal lands, what happens to donated private lands? What do the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, Trust for Public Land, and hundreds of other organizations have in common? Their gifts of acquired private land given to the federal government would be at risk if states got hold of the national…

  • A first step on road to grizzly recovery in a former stronghold- The National Park Service (NPS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) have just announced that they are jointly preparing a North Cascades Ecosystem Grizzly Bear Restoration Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (Plan/EIS). Public meetings are being held this coming March about…

  • Wildlife management reform objective one- Speak for Wolves is an opportunity for the American people to unite and demand wildlife management reform and restore our national heritage. This year’s event is set to take place in the Union Pacific Dining Lodge on August 7-9, 2015 in West Yellowstone, Montana. Here is the first objective in reforming…

  • Two hundred fervently oppose Idaho gaining control of U.S. public lands- Saying that Idaho could not manage the national forests and BLM lands of the federal government, sportsmen who came to Boise on Feb. 12 were adamant they did not want the state to even try. Those rallying held that Idaho would have to sell off the lands, greatly reducing…

  • Big dairy and recreational dredge miners to benefit- Boise, Idaho. It looks like this year’s Idaho legislature might outdo the previous in attacking water quality protections in the state. In the Idaho House of Representatives, a bill has passed the Resources and Conservation Committee that would unprotect the federal wild and scenic rivers in the…

  • Killing Thousands of Animals Each Year Violates Environmental Laws BOISE, Idaho— Five conservation groups filed a lawsuit today over the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s failure to fully analyze and disclose the impact of its “Wildlife Services” program in Idaho, which kills thousands of wolves, coyotes, foxes, cougars, birds and other wild animals each year at…

  • State Senate Resolution claims wolves increasingly endanger people- LANSING, MI. They just can’t give it up. Despite no wild wolf attacks in Michigan or any other state where wolves have been recently restored, politicians who don’t like them insist people are being increasingly threatened as shown by this story from the Michigan State Senate. The Republican…

  • Should NE Washington wolves be transplanted? B.C. undertakes massive wolf kill to save mountain caribou- Washington wolf relocation? Wolves are on their way to recovery in Washington state, but most of it has been in the state’s Eastern Washington recovery region. There is also a significant population in central Washington (North Cascades zone) where the wolf restoration…

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