• 5 Keys to Reforming Wildlife Management in America- Over the years, I have come to realize that the current wildlife management model in America, at the federal level, and particularly, the state level, is broken. The system is such, in which, politics trumps the best-available science, the special interest-minority overwhelms the democratic-majority and the almighty…

  • Today the US Fish and Wildlife Service released the Peer Review of the proposed rule to delist wolves nationwide and its findings were pretty damning.  The proposed rule relied heavily on the findings of one paper, Chambers et al., which reclassified wolves and recognized the eastern wolf as a new species Canis lycaon.  The peer review…

  • Future evolution to make Earth home to variety of rat-like creatures? What will be the end result of the human tendency to shoot, club, poison, or destroy the habitat of the large mammals, and as they disappear the medium sized mammals as well? Dr Jan Zalasiewicz  at the Geology Department at the University of Leicester (UK)…

  • Bozeman, Mont.—Conservation groups entered into a settlement agreement today that will require the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to prepare a new Biological Opinion before grazing domestic sheep this summer in southwest Montana. Cottonwood Environmental Law Center, Western Watersheds Project, Gallatin Wildlife Association, Native Ecosystems Council and Yellowstone Buffalo Foundation…

  • Wyoming Representative Cynthia Lummis has introduced a bill in Congress to expand paddle sports in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, forcing the Park Service to open many more waterways to recreational boating.  I am a boater, former wilderness guide, BLM river ranger, and a licensed outfitter/guide in both parks who could stand to benefit…

  • Faced with looming court challenge, Idaho halts unprecedented program POCATELLO, ID — Faced with a looming deadline to defend its actions before a federal appeals court, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) announced this afternoon that it is halting its wolf extermination program in the Middle Fork region of the Frank Church-River of…

  • Much of the current political discussion about forest thinning and many of the efforts being implemented or proposed for federal forest lands are aimed at reducing large severe wildfires. It seems intuitively obvious to most people that reducing fuels will eliminate or minimize large fires that burn across large swaths of the West and occasionally…

  • Only difference is this time they might get some real money to waste- Although the appropriation of $35-million to chase Greater Yellowstone elk and bison and try to vaccinate them against brucellosis might seem like a new issue to some, it has been around a long time. Today the Missoulian has an article on it. Farm…

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