• Please comment on beaver trapping- Mike Settel in Pocatello asked us to post an alert to The Wildlife News regarding beaver trapping. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is setting trapping regulations for beaver and other species throughout the state. Beaver play a very important role in the ecosystem. Their numbers are greatly depleted…

  • Red-tailed’s kee-eeeee-arr is used to represent all raptors, and more- “Cry like an eagle” . . . you can just imagine it as you read the phrase. It must be bold. Maybe it should be the title of a song or a novel. The Colbert Report doesn’t use a real eagle cry. It would be a…

  • Today, as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, the nation is taking notice of how Idaho is managing wolves just two years after they were stripped of the protection of the Endangered Species Act by the U.S. Congress. This weekend anti-wolf forces are having a highly controversial 2-day wolf and coyote…

  • Judge Candy Dale has denied the request for a temporary restraining order against a 2-day wolf and coyote killing contest planned for Salmon, Idaho this weekend. The plaintiffs argued that the derby constituted a commercial event that required the US Forest Service to issue a special use permit. The judge said that plaintiffs were not…

  • Magistrate Judge Candy Dale has scheduled a hearing to be conducted by telephone at 9:30 am this morning to hear testimony on the litigation that was filed by several groups challenging the US Forest Service’s decision not to require a special use permit for the 2-day wolf and coyote killing contest scheduled to be held…

  • If 53 are now trapped in “The Hole,” how many will survive? The Jackson Hole News and Guide has reported that 53 pronghorn antelope have been spotted on the National Elk Refuge well after the herd normally migrates out of cold and snowy Jackson Hole, over the Gros Ventre Mountains, and then down southward to…

  • Sign the petition: Petition | 2-Day Holiday Idaho Killing “Derby” Targets Wolves & Coyotes, Federal Agencies Ignore Laws re: Killing Contests on Federal Lands | Change.org. For Immediate Release: December 23, 2013 Conservationists Sue to Stop Wolf and Coyote Killing Contest on Public Lands Groups Challenge Federal Agency’s Failure to Regulate Highly Controversial Contest Pocatello,…

  • Already 6 dogs caught and one grizzly bear- There is probably even more by catch than reported below in Montana’s second wolf trapping season, which just began. In addition to last year’s by catch, wolf traps took a tremendous toll on Yellowstone Park wolves that wandered across the Park’s straight line border.  Not reported, it…

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