• The USDA Wildlife Services Wildlife Specialist “Mistook” it for a Coyote The Endangered Species Act affords protection against unauthorized take of the Mexican gray wolves, and makes it a criminal offense to kill one. 16 U.S.C. §1540(b). The Final Rule for the reintroduction of Mexican gray wolves codifies the prohibition against killing the wolves and…

  • Birds in city parks benefit as coyotes stalk cats. But, hey, it’s best for the cats too- Feral and stray cats (free roaming cats) are known to take a huge toll on birds, and the number of these small predators is burgeoning. There are perhaps as many as 40-million in the US alone. The number…

  • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking comments on the proposed listing of the Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Following the status review, the Service will either publish a proposed rule to protect the Arctic grayling under the ESA, or a withdrawal from candidate…

  • Provisions would increase rancher base property value solely by issuing longer grazing lease and waving public participation- An article in fiscally conservative Forbes Magazine looks at the real effects of the “Grazing Improvement Act.” It is yet more money for the elite (or just plain lucky) set of ranchers who hold a public grazing lease.…

  • It may already be too late Throughout the west, bighorn sheep are seeking out mates and the rams are giving an incredible display by butting heads in competition for ewes.  This is a very visible spectacle in the Gardiner Basin of Montana that lies just north of Yellowstone National Park which is filled with many…

  • Predator Defense has been doing great work to uncover the malfeasance of USDA Wildlife Services, the federal agency tasked with killing wildlife to protect commercial agricultural interests.  Three former federal federal agents and Congressman Peter DeFazio were interviewed for the video.  Former Wildlife Services agents tell terrible stories about how their higher-ups told them to…

  • Will it be h0 hum or a blood bath? In Wisconsin’s continuing wolf hunt which has felled wolves at a surprisingly rapid pace, now dogs will be added to mix. Wisconsin’s wolf hunt is supposed to end when 251 wolves out of the estimated 800 in the state have been killed. So far about 215 wolves…

  • First large U.S. deployment of biofuels is an economic and environmental disaster– A decade ago it seemed like a great idea. Ethanol would be an additive or replacement for gasoline and diesel. It comes from the sun, water, and good old Mother Earth (soil). It would replace fossil fuels like petroleum that add to greenhouse…

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