Search results for: “wolf management”

  • There has been a flurry of press and opinion about the wolf delisting rider attached to the budget bill and the ongoing negotiations in Wyoming to change their wolf management plan in the last several days. Some of the reporting is good and some misses important elements of the controversy but the issue has become…

  • New language protects Wyoming ruling over the State’s management plan. Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, new language was added to the rider which delists wolves in the Northern Rockies at the insistence of Wyoming’s delegation.  The new language intends to make it easier for Wyoming’s plan to pass muster or make…

  • The Senate Resources and Environment Committee will be holding a hearing today at 2:00 pm on H343 in room WW02 of the Capitol building. There will likely be crowd present so be there early if you want to testify. This bill, which is likely to pass and be signed by the Governor, demonstrates exactly why…

  • Language of the “Wolf Disaster Declaration” published. Bill Status: H0343. It is not the same language as contained in the legislation we posted in February. It essentially provides for a disaster declaration if there are more than 100 wolves in Idaho. “[T]he legislature finds that public safety has been compromised, economic activity has been disrupted…

  • Outrageous Reactionary Politics – Lies – Need To Be Confronted Head-On The outright absurdity of the extreme reactionism that continues to threaten wolves can often seem too outrageous to be real.  We hope that it’s just some marginal voice and that maybe by ignoring it, it will go away. Wolf management in the Rockies is…

  • Blaming wolves for poor elk management? The US Fish and Wildlife Service has issued an Environmental Assessment for Montana Fish Wildlife and Park’s wolf reduction proposal for the Bitterroot hunting district HD250 just southeast of Hamilton, Montana.  In the proposal to kill all but 12 wolves in the district, they claim that wolves are responsible…

  • The groups that settled have not gained the assurance of anything- Today’s announcement that a number of plaintiffs in the wolf delisting case are seeking a settlement with the Department of Interior they hope Judge Molloy will approve does represent a difference in strategy how to proceed in the current political environment. Three groups, the…

  • We are posting this intriguing research effort by Dr. Jeremy Bruskotter. You are invited to participate. Readers of the Wildlife News: My colleagues and I are preparing a nationwide survey to help us better understand people’s preferences for large carnivore conservation and management.  In particular, we are interested in understanding the attitudes and policy preferences…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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