• It is time for a new “wildlife news” thread.  Please put  your news, links and comments below in comments (“Leave a reply”)   Here is the link to the thread being retired (June 5, 2013).

  • Recent conversations with scientists at conferences, along with several comments made recently by readers of The Wildlife News got me thinking about this question. In one of the more bleak moments, a reader commented: After years of reading and posting here, I finally got enough that I spoke out. I am a conservationist, I commit…

  • From my youth, I’ve always heard that rhinos, elephants, tigers, and other species would be lost from our world during my lifetime.  The most recent, but surely not the last, highly recognizable species to be lost is the western black rhino.  This species became extinct for the most superficial reason of all.  People believe that…

  • Bozeman, Mont.—Conservationists are offering a $6,500 reward for information leading to the arrestand conviction of the person(s) responsible for killing a grizzly bear in the Centennial Mountains ofsouthwest Montana last fall. The collar of “Grizzly #726” was recovered from a stream on USDA Sheep Experiment Stationproperty on September 12, 2012. He had been fitted with…

  • Black Forest Colorado fire destroys almost 400 homes- – – – – – – Update: On June 20 the Black Forest fire was contained after 500 houses had burned. RM – – – – – – The first day of summer is just about here, and wildfires are breaking out across much of the Western…

  • Wildlife conservation needs big money to beat back militant ignorance- Over the years those favoring wildlife conservation found a strategy that worked to build up both the number and diversity of wildlife in the United States. Until recently those who saw wildlife only as (1) pests or potential pests or (2) animals waiting to become…

  • Below are links to a very large number of stories on the wolf delisting. The list was compiled by Rod Klavins. Numerous people sent them to him. TRCP Press Release: Wolf Delisting a ‘Conservation Success Story’ Drovers Cattle Network: NCBA, PLC call for full delisting of wolves nationwide USFWS: What States are Saying about the Service’s Gray Wolf…

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