• Idaho Senate Resources committee votes not to confirm Gov. Otter’s nomination of Joan Hurlock- Although once  a woman sat on the Idaho Fish and Game Commission, Nancy Hadley of Sandpoint 1997 to 2005, that was then. In the last few years Idaho has retreated culturally by perhaps a generation. Governor “Butch” Otter recently nominated Joan Hurlock to…

  • With the firing of Nevada Department of Wildlife chief, Ken Mayer and massive sagebrush suppression projects –in place of grazing reductions – by the BLM, sage grouse are headed toward trouble in Nevada. A behind the scenes battle has taken place between many competing forces like Nevada Department of Wildlife, BLM, Nevada Department of Conservation…

  • The CEO of REI Sally Jewell has been chosen by President Obama to be the Secretary of Interior. Sally Jewell Picked To Be Interior Secretary By Obama. Huffington Post. – – – Update 2-8-2013 by RM. Initial reaction looks quite favorable from all sides . . . very important because a nominee today needs to…

  • Decaying Management In America’s National Park System- Yellowstone Park is loved by millions of Americans and many more around the world. It is the original model for not just America’s National Park System, but for national parks in other countries.  By “system,” it is meant the national parks are established and managed by a common…

  • Good or bad idea? PEER doesn’t like it- Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) has reported in a news release  that the National Park Service  looks to be supporting a push by The National Park Hospitality Association, a trade group for Park concessionaires, to greatly increase cell and internet connectedness in the national parks. PEER…

  • I’ve been reading about the world’s economic woes quite a bit recently and the arguments between between those who support austerity to fight some looming “deficit crisis” and those who support deficit spending to stimulate the economy. In these arguments I am starting to believe that those who argue for austerity cuts to reduced the…

  • Once again, it’s $1.35/AUM — just a token fee- Like last year, the USFS and the BLM have announced that the 2013 grazing will a mere $1.35 per animal unit month (AUM). In a news release, the agencies wrote: “An AUM or HM – treated as equivalent measures for fee purposes – is the occupancy…

  • Ancient petroglyphs stolen from California site recovered. Reuters Important petroglyphs that were stolen from a site in California were cut out of the rocks using power tools. They have been recovered but the thieves have not been identified. Critics: Nevada wildlife director’s ouster could endanger effort to prevent sage grouse listing. Reno Gazette-Journal Those who…

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