Search results for: “bison slaughter”

  • The wild beauty of the Little Missouri badlands within Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota. Photo George Wuerthner  Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP) has proposed eliminating feral horses and domestic livestock from the Park. Unlike the fiasco at Point Reyes National Seashore, where the NPS appears to support maintaining domestic livestock within the park unit,…

  •   When Deb Haaland was nominated for the position of Secretary of Interior, I received dozens of emails from nearly every large conservation organization to support her nomination. She was appointed without having any particular experience or background in public lands issues and limited executive experience in running major federal land management agencies such as…

  • Scarface Mountain, Badger-Two Medicine Rocky Mountain Front, Montana, Photo George Wuerthner  A recent article in the Missoulian described efforts by conservationists and some tribal members to stop oil drilling­ in the Badger-Two Medicine roadless area by the oil company Solenex. This Louisiana company holds leases for oil drilling in the Badger-Two Medicine Roadless area on…

  • Michael Garrity, one of the best advocates for wild nature in the Northern Rockies.  What do you call a fifth generation Montanan who was born, raised, and educated in the Big Sky state, and has dedicated his life to ensuring future generations will have the opportunity to experience the intact ecosystems and vast fish and…

  •   Old Faithful erupting. Yellowstone National Park. Photo George Wuerthner Yellowstone National Park was established 150 years ago in 1872. The park’s creation marked a significant departure from public land policies of the time. Instead of promoting settlement, mining, logging, ranching, or other development, the park was designated to protect natural features like thermal features.…

  • The cost of a hamburger does not reflect the cost of this cowbombed land in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Photo George Wuerthner  Do you know what a Big Mac costs? If you say $4.50 or whatever the current price posted at the McDonald’s restaurant may be, you are vastly under-estimating the real price. That’s…

  • GUEST POST BY PEGGY BERRYHILL, THERESA HARLAN, and PETER BYRNE.  —— The following responses to George Wuerthner’s October 12th piece “A Response to Treur’s Atlantic Magazine National Parks and Tribes,” and November 2nd’s “Indian Burning – The False Solution to Large Blazes” are guest posts from Peggy Berryhill, Theresa Harlan, and Peter Byrne. I am…

  • Old Faithful is emblematic of Yellowstone National Park. Photo George Wuerthner A recent article Return the National Parks to the Tribes in Atlantic Magazine by David Treuer is worth a detailed review because it represents a common set of inaccurate assumptions and historical imprecision about the relationship of conservation, national parks and Native Americans. Rather…


George Wuerthner is an ecologist and writer who has published 38 books on various topics related to environmental and natural history. He has visited over 400 designated wilderness areas and over 200 national park units.

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