• Loss of collared wolves has had a significant effect on research of wolves in Yellowstone National Park According to a news article in the Jackson Hole News & Guide, the population of wolves in Yellowstone National Park has dropped by about 20-28% from the 2011 end-of-the-year estimate of 98 wolves. Dan Stahler, a wildlife biologist…

  • Ken Salazar is reportedly leaving his post as Secretary of Interior in March of this year. His legacy includes a failed delisting of wolves in Idaho and Montana, which was legislatively pushed through, delisting of wolves in Wyoming where wolves are treated as vermin, approval of the Deepwater Horizon using a categorical exclusion from National…

  • I came across a blog posting this morning that I thought the readers of The Wildlife News would be interested in.  Bob Ferris of Cascadia Wildlands has written a great and fascinating piece about some of the more recognizable anti-wolf figures in the Northern Rockies. Some, probably most, of these people have tried to post…

  •   State Agency Game Farming Is Not Compatible with Ecosystem Integrity   With the delisting of wolves from protection under the Endangered Species Act, management of wolves has been turned back to the individual states where wolves occur. In most of these states, we see state agencies adopting policies that treat wolves as persona no…

  • After the horrific tragedy in Newtown Connecticut, ecologist and animal advocate Marc Bekoff penned an essay in which he argued that “cruelty, violence and warlike behaviors in other animals are extremely rare” (Humanlike Violence is Not Seen in Other Animals).  As evidence, Bekoff relies heavily on an essay by John Horgan critiquing the idea that…

  • Hailey, ID.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed an Endangered Species Act (ESA) listing rule and critical habitat designation for the Gunnison sage-grouse that will designate the species as Endangered and provide 1.7 million acres of critical habitat in Colorado and Utah. Gunnison sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) has a more restricted range than the closely-related…

  • Due to petitions of a number of environmental groups, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) appears likely to list the wolverine under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Once found across much of the West and northern-tier states from Minnesota to Maine, wolverine are now limited to a few isolated populations in the western United…

  • Could no hunting zone of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) could prove haven for Idaho’s persecuted wolves? The vast (900 sq mil), sprawling INL has many nuclear reactors, but there is also a lot of open space where hunting and livestock grazing are not allowed. Therefore, it is hardly a surprise that some of Idaho’s…

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