• Move makes Montana’s wolverine season doubly dead- In a surprise move last Monday (Jan. 7),  the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced that on Jan. 18 it would issue a proposed rule protecting wolverines under the Endangered Species Act. This probably means it will be proposed as a threatened species instead of its current…

  • Today Montana Judge E. Wayne Phillips shot down a lawsuit brought by powerful livestock interests to stop the State of Montana from allowing bison to use areas of Montana outside of Yellowstone National Park. In the spring of 2011, after many years of unsuccessfully trying to keep bison from leaving the northern boundary of Yellowstone…

  • In an essay titled “Dark Ecology” that appears in the latest issue of Orion Magazine, writer Paul Kingsnorth delves into his own thoughts about our increasingly technological society and how we are finding ourselves and the natural environment set on a downward trajectory. In the essay he explains how humans have consistently caught themselves in…

  • (update) Judge says emergency closure by Montana wildlife commissioners with no public hearing might offend Montana’s  Constitution and might deprive the public of the legal right to harvest wolves- In a shock to wolf conservationists and to people who think Yellowstone Park is a special place, an American icon, local Montana Nels Swandal  reopened hunting and…

  • Here we begin 2013 with a new edition of wildlife news discovered by readers. Please post your wildlife news stories and your comments in the open thread below. You can access the previous December 19, 2012 “Interesting Wildlife News” here.    

  • In their December 29th editorial in the Billings Gazette, Scott Talbott of the Wyoming Game and Fish and Harv Forsgren of the U.S. Forest Service wrote that hunting was another step towards grizzly bear recovery. To read their editorial, go to this link: Guest opinion: Hunting another step toward grizzly bear recovery. Specifically, the authors…

  • This past October, I helped organize a symposium entitled “Carnivore conservation in human-dominated systems: Ecological, ethical and social dimensions” at the EcoSummit conference here in Columbus, Ohio.  The purpose of the symposium was to bring together international scholars from several disciplines to examine the ecological, ethical and social dimensions of carnivore conservation in human-dominated landscapes. …

  • Surprising growth in wildlife populations as land and water naturalizes, though there are some mutations- Twenty six years ago, on April 26, 1986 reactor number 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in the now-defunct Soviet Union melted down and an explosion blew open the reactor. It released a cloud of radioactive materials that contaminated…

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