• A year after Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) filed a complaint with the BLM for intentionally excluding livestock grazing impacts from “Rapid Ecoregional Assessments” which were supposed to look at “change agents” for BLM landscapes, the BLM has put the $40 million assessments on hold and remained silent about charges of political interference. Even…

  • The Wildlife News is trying something new.  We read a number of interesting, wildlife related news stories each day that we don’t have time to comment on.  Here is a list of those we found interesting.  Some of them may come up as a separate post later. Misfires | News | Missoula Independent. An interesting story about…

  • The Wildlife News blog gets a disproportionate amount of comments when wolf related topics appear on a thread compared to other stories. Clearly, this illustrates society’s polarization with the wolf whereby some people love them, while others hate them – or at least seemingly so. However, for those that love them – and there are…

  • In 1994 the BLM cancelled the grazing permit of Cliven Bundy, 4 years later a federal court required the removal of cattle from the Bunkerville allotment in southern Nevada, the BLM is still struggling to get them removed. We reported on this ongoing case of trespass last May, shortly after the BLM decided not to…

  • Wyoming’s Wolf Plan Lethal for Wolves Denver, CO. A coalition of grassroots conservation organizations filed suit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) today for removing gray wolves in Wyoming from the federal threatened and endangered species list. The Service approved the State’s management of wolves in September, and the Wyoming Game and Fish…

  • More than 5,000 deer, elk and moose killed last year. Actual number might be considerably higher- Idaho newspapers are carrying an AP story today how a large and growing number of bears, deer, elk and moose are being killed on Idaho roads by vehicles. It seems that Idaho lags behind neighboring states in building the…

  • Conservatives kill controversial bill- The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act passed the House last April, and the Senate version sponsored by Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana seemed poised to win Senate approval after beating back a number of filibuster attempts, a success that has become increasingly rare. Nevertheless, the bill would have still had to survive…

  • High angling pressure and spread of rainbow trout the problem- It’s not like fish have disappeared from the Beartooth Plateau or the streams of the nearby Absaroka Mountains, but the fisheries accessible without a long walk or pack trip are in decline. The Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River rises far up in the Beartooth…

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