Search results for: “wolf management”

  • Not so quick on handing over wolf management to Feds It seems that Butch has changed his mind or, rather, his staff has changed it for him. In a quick turnaround Otter’s staff says he wasn’t drawing a line in the sand. He was just frustrated. I can’t imagine the phone calls his office received…

  • Tired of one-sided wolf management Jerry Black, a frequent commentator on this site, is challenging Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks for its attempt at building a coalition with hunters, outfitters, and livestock interests for the purposes of overturning Malloy’s wolf decision. He’s tired of the one-sided state management which benefits only those special interests who…

  • Wolf management plan examines killing of pups and sterilization of wolves. The Wildlife Services issued an Environmental Assessment at the beginning of August. Today is the last day to comment on the EA which calls for killing pups which have been orphaned by their control actions, sterilization of wolves, and increased killing of wolves in…

  • IDFG claims wolves are having “unacceptable impacts” in the Lolo Zone Now that the US Fish and Wildlife calls the shots again on wolves, the Idaho Fish and Game is proposing to kill all but 20-30 wolves in the Lolo Zone for a period of 5 years. Of course the current 10j rule was weakened…

  • Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation issues a press release. I don’t post links to anti-wolf websites or give much credence to their clams but the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has, as with their previous news release on wolves, issued another hyperbolic press release in response to Judge Malloy’s decision to relist wolves as an endangered species.…

  • Extremist, wolf hating politicians blame everyone but themselves Wyoming is angry that they can’t get their way on wolves and now that a judge has reminded them that their plan sucks they’re digging in even further. Maybe the title of the article should read “GOP governor candidates, Freudenthal say they’ll keep wolves on the Endangered…

  • Oregon Fish and Wildlife hires a rider to keep wolves and livestock apart- This worked in Idaho and Montana back in the days before state wolf management. The states don’t even try.  Defenders is still doing something a bit like this in Idaho with the Phantom Hill Pack under the grudging toleration of Idaho Fish…

  • IDFG/Wildlife Services’ war on wolves has begun. 42 wolves killed for 23 depredations. The monthly update from IDFG, which contains little useful or timely information, has been released for the month of April. It appears from the numbers that Wildlife Services has been given the permission to conduct extensive revenge killings on behalf of livestock…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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