• Hunter lockout underscores the privatization danger to our public lands- As if to underscore the value of our national public lands, this time for hunters, NE Montana ranchers have locked hunters out of their ranchland to protest and put pressure on Montana FWP because they didn’t get their way on keeping bison strictly restricted to…

  • Past efforts to grab national forests, parks, wildlife refuges led by livestock industry. Now it will be Koch Bros, oil, GOP- Some call our public lands “American’s common treasure,” but the love of our land expressed in many forms, and the freedom they provide, have not stopped what are sometimes called “sagebrush rebellions” every decade…

  • Wolf pups thrive when born to a big wolf pack and have a large mother- A new study out by well known wolf researchers have found that in Yellowstone Park at least black wolves don’t have the reproductive success that gray wolves do.  It appears that the gene for a black coat, which entered the…

  • Story is of little interest to Wyoming media- Dogs running loose have killed 44 sheep north of Riverton, Wyoming. Perhaps a score or more were injured. The incident has received minor attention from the Wyoming media. The story got more attention than a story about a bar fight, but not much, but what if wolves…

  • Republican Hill sees wildlife in terms of hunting; Democrat Bullock takes a more expansive view of the value of wildlife- The view of governors on wildlife makes a big difference because wildlife management is the province of the states except for endangered species and some marine mammals. Montana’s Democrat  and current attorney general Steve Bullock…

  • Sixteen wolves killed in the the first ten days of the state’s first wolf hunt- According to the Jackson Hole Daily, so far the number of wolves killed in Wyoming first ever modern era wolf hunt are a bit slow.  However, this report based on comments from Wyoming Game and Fish, seems hard to square…

  • Did non-violent protest work here? The news is that Tim de Christopher is getting out of a California federal prison a bit early, after 18 months instead of 2 years.  He will serve out the last 6 months in a Salt Lake City halfway house.  Presumably there in work release they will try to have…

  • Washington race for governor echoes typical Republican/Democrat gap on the environment- In the late 1960s to the the late 70s, there wasn’t much difference between the two parties on “environmental” issues, as that set of issues  had become known. Both parties generally supported strong policies, especially when it came to cleaning the air, water, and…

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