• A classic kind of grizzly/hunter interaction near Island Park, Idaho- About a week ago, a lucky (or unlucky?) hunter survived a bite from a grizzly that had taken the hunter’s elk. A Michigan archery hunter and his friend who had hunted the area numerous times before wounded a bull elk about 15 miles west of…

  • With little hope that they will prevail in Idaho District Court people are asking why the Idaho Wool Growers Association, American Sheep Industry Association, Public Lands Council, and sheep ranchers from Wyoming and Colorado have begun litigation now.  According to the latest gossip, the woolgrowers hope for a Romney Administration in 2013. The woolgrowers think that,…

  • After numerous humiliating defeats on whether to allow sheep grazing on the Payette National Forest, woolgrowers are going back to court to argue that domestic sheep don’t transmit deadly pneumonia to bighorn sheep. Idaho Wool Growers Association, American Sheep Industry Association, Public Lands Council, and sheep ranchers from Wyoming and Colorado have filed a suit…

  • Here is our new open comments thread (starting on Sept. 17, 2012) on wildlife news topics you think are interesting. You can access the previous “Interesting Wildlife News” here. Please post new stories and make comments about wildlife topics in the comments section below.

  • Will firefighters be able to prevent a new run even farther to the east? Update 9/17. Eastward spread of fire most likely contained. The Mustang Fire has burned at least a hundred miles now, west and east along the main fork the Salmon River in Idaho. The River contained the Fire’s southward spread, and firefighters…

  • It all started with a letter in 1997 to Stan Boyd, the Executive Director of the Idaho Woolgrowers Association (IWGA). The letter, written on the letterhead of the Wallowa Whitman National Forest, was asking for the support of the IWGA for the reintroduction of bighorn sheep to parts Hells Canyon.  In turn, the signatories stated they would…

  • Cygnet Fire burns right in the middle of Yellowstone Park- August 26, 2012. Though dwarfed by 100,000 acre+ Idaho fires, this has potential to grow. Started by lightning on the Park’s Central Plateau, it has now grown to about 1000 acres (1 1/2 square miles).   The fire is in the backcountry about 3-4 miles…

  • Has a bloodfest been averted? Madison. Plans to allow wolves to be hunted with dogs, as part of Wisconsin ‘s first wolf hunt, have been at least temporarily set aside by the ruling of Dane County Circuit Judge Peter Anderson. No other state has permitted dog hunting of wolves, but the Wisconsin legislature directly inserted…

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