• Research on scrub jays and anecdotal observations of other corvids shows a large reaction to a dead member of their species- A study just out on “funerals” held by scrub jays has generated a lot of discussion about what these noisy gatherings of jays around fallen members of their species represent or mean. It is…

  • Today, several groups filed a notice of intent (NOI) to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) over its decision to delist wolves in Wyoming. Delisting comes after USFWS accepted the minor changes made to the Wyoming wolf management plan which allows wolves to be killed by anyone, for any reason, and by any method…

  • Human-caused fire just one ridge south of Cache Creek! Revised on 9/11 afternoon. All of the mountains immediately south of Jackson, WY have been closed due to the Little Horsethief Fire Horsethief Canyon Fire that started from an illegal private trash fire late Saturday and now is over 1500 2600 acres just south of the…

  • Rotenone poisoning begins Sept 10 in Elk Creek to eliminate non-native brook trout- Tomorrow eradication of brook trout will begin at Elk Creek. So too Lost and Yancy Creek tributaries of Elk Creek will be dosed with the fish poison rotenone. Before the project is over non-native fish are slated to be eliminated from these…

  • Red Flag warning day with leading east flank of 261,000 acre fire less than 2 miles from U.S 93- After several days of gentle breezes, Aug. 9 began with a “red flag” warning over all of Eastern and East Central Idaho.  High winds and the super dry forest, grass, and brush covering the Salmon River…

  • West Nile, Hantavirus, Plague- A zoonosis is an infectious disease transmitted between species, especially from animals to humans and vice versa. New strains of influenza are usually a zoonosis having emerged from DNA mixing in geese, pigs, birds and the like, but The Wildlife News is generally  concerned with zooneses like Rocky Mountain spotted fever…

  • Talk about the need for a presidential candidate science debate leads somewhere- Back in 2008 there was mounting concern that science had always been left out of the presidential debates. This concern led to efforts to demand presidential candidates discuss these issues. Soon there was the formation of Science Debate 2008. This group, small at…

  • Kerry Gunther, Yellowstone bear management/biology leader, says no evidence for this in Park- The story goes back a long time. Fortunately my spouse never believed it or we wouldn’t have written so many books and articles about camping, backpacking, outdoor medicine, etc. in the West. From the start there was the rumor that a menstruating…

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