Search results for: “bison”

  • The buffalo held at Stephens Creek capture facility have been released and are heading back into the park on their own. Bison heading back to summer ranges On the west side of the park, buffalo are being hazed deep into the park using helicopters, ATVs, and horses from the Horse Butte Peninsula.

  • Groups: Stop hazing bison near Yellowstone – Jackson Hole Daily It has got to be hell watching what is happening with those bison calves being pushed 20 + miles.

  • After one of the most devastating winters for Yellowstone bison to-date, the five agencies of the Interagency Bison Management Plan are announcing the implementation of a haze today that, among other things, will expect remaining buffalo calves to march 20 + miles back into the park. Buffalo Field Campaign Blog has some comments, and the…

  • I found this documentary (The Bison Haze) linked to the Buffalo Field Campaign blog.

  • This is from the Buffalo Field Campaign. I edited it to put all their links at the end (suggestion, more people will read the news if they find it quickly). Ralph Maughan _____________________________________ Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field May 1, 2008 —————————— In this issue: * Update from the Field *…

  • The various bison killing agencies have announced they will kill no more bison around Yellowstone this spring.  They did not mention whether they would haze the starving animals off of greening areas such as Horse Butte. They indicated that although the number had been cut in half, there would be no problem regenerating the herd…

  • Hank Fischer: Royal Teton Ranch Deal Critical for Yellowstone Bison. Guest commentary. New West. I wish I could agree with Fischer, and we do know the world can’t be changed in one step. However, if this is “a template” for future deals, as he says, then we won’t see much improvement in a lifetime.

  • This is a new twist on the bison controversy most folks are probably not aware of. Ralph Maughan Update April 24, 2008: the news release became a story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. Does mountain bison still roam Yellowstone? By Cory Hatch. – – – – – For Immediate Release: Wednesday, April 23,…

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