• Alleged arson dating back years finally to go to trial- Two years ago, an amazing story of a father and son rancher (The Hammonds) said to have started at least eight range fires on public lands near Steens Mountain came to light. Considering the high fines some people get for starting accidental fires on public…

  • Remarkable video shows an elk calf-eating grizzly and elk grazing side by side- Daryl Hunter spotted grizzly bear #610 approaching elk at Willow Flats in Grand Teton National Park. The bear had been eating their elk calves all months. Guess what happened next?  Watch his video.

  • Here is our new open thread on wildlife news topics. You can access the previous “Interesting Wildlife News” here. Please post those comments and stories about wildlife you find interesting.

  • State that treats bison the worst isn’t saying much- Earlier we reported on the bipartisan and geographically diverse move to make the American bison (buffalo) the national mammal. Many were skeptical of the motivation of some of sponsors or cosponsors, especially those in Wyoming such as U.S. Senator Mike Enzi. Wyoming is not very friendly…

  • Politico‘s Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Matt Wuerker weighs in on Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson’s use of a Congressional Rider to attempt to deny bighorn sheep protections on national forests in order to allow a few lone sheepman access to graze domestic sheep that transmit deadly disease to imperiled bighorns on National Forest public lands.  

  • “Lost” puppy picked up by campers was male wolf pup- Students video a “bigfoot” near Pocatello- Most wolf stories from Idaho have lately been negative due to the domination of the political scene by anti-wolf politicians, but there is a heart warming story from Ketchum where campers picked up what they thought was a lost…

  • Man who hates public land and public wildlife gains heavy influence on Wisconsin deer management- A last minute controversy in the unpleasant battle in Wisconsin whether to remove governor Scott Walker from office is the revelation that he has hired Dr. James Kroll, who embodies the Texas tradition that hunting should be on game farms…

  • The Sacramento Bee gives citizens suggestions- The Bee’s recent expose investigation of the activities of USDA-Wildlife Services predator control was read by many. Outrage is high and now more information is in the hands of the public. Earlier we covered efforts by two members of the House, bipartisan, to get a congressional investigation started.  We…

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