• ‎”At some point we must draw a line across the ground of our home and our being, drive a spear into the land and say to the bulldozers, earthmovers, government and corporations, “thus far and no further.” If we do not, we shall later feel, instead of pride, the regret of Thoreau, that good but…

  • There might be an unusual amount of wolf/mountain lion conflict along the Idaho-Montana border- Liz Bradley, a wolf manager for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has found an unusually high number of wolves killed by cougar in the Bitterroot Mountains near the Montana-Idaho border from Lolo on the north to near the Idaho border on…

  • Bipartisan coalition in U.S. Senate supports “national mammal” status- S. 3248, the Bison Legacy Act, was introduced in the U.S. Senate May 24 by two senators, a Republican from Wyoming (Mike Enzi) and a Democrat from South Dakota (Tim Johnson). This might seem surprising because so much of the bison news is about hatred of…

  • There are no ancient breeds of dogs extant- In the last few years there have been several articles tracing the ancestry of dogs back to wild wolves. This may give rise to pet owners thinking their dog is very “wolfy” — nearly a wolf, a bit of the wild on your living room floor or…

  • The World Wildlife Fund has published a map that shows how intensively our oceans are being fished in comparison to 1950. The map is pretty startling and, with a rapidly growing world population that consumes more and more, it looks only to get worse. Is it possible that the world’s fisheries could collapse in our…

  • Todd Wilkinson has written another excellent opinion piece which appears in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. He compares the rhetoric coming from outfitters who complain that wolves are ruining hunting while simultaneously promoting their outfitting services by saying the hunting is better than ever. So who are we to believe – the outfitters who insist wolves…

  • A rare opportunity for the public and Congress to expose and change these federal wildlife killers? John Campbell,  a Republican  from Irvine, California, and Peter DeFazio, a Democrat from Oregon, want Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, to hold an investigatory hearing on the activities of the…

  • Dr. Franz Camenzind weighs in on wolf hunting and the population reduction it will bring. He asks what kind of country are we to recover a population of an animal only to promptly start killing large numbers of them. Good question. Wolf High: Is It Now All Downhill For Wolf Numbers In The American West?…

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