Search results for: “wolf management”

  • ~ by Jon Marvel Friends, On December 31, 2009 Western Watersheds Project and the Wolf Recovery Foundation welcomed the New Year by filing litigation in federal court challenging the federal government’s mismanagement of public lands and wolves in Central Idaho. Read the Associated Press article : Groups Sue to End Idaho wilderness copter landings –…

  • Killing wolves will build public support says Swedish environmental protection agency- Sweden allows first wolf hunt in 45 years. Times of the Internet – – – – – Peter Kiermeir called this hunt to our attention. He wrote:  “More or less unnoticed by the rest of the world another controversial wolf hunt is planned for…

  • Recently, there have been a few government wolf updates published. Wyoming Status Reports (which sometimes have information from states like Washington, Oregon, Utah and Colorado): 11/27/2009 11/13/2009 10/30/2009 Idaho, as has been the case since wolves were delisted in the first time in 2008, has provided little information other than numbers. Their reports don’t mention…

  • Here is some really good news to offset that about Idaho Fish and Game Commission- The alpha female is former Idaho wolf B300F. I predicted earlier that the Imnaha River was a natural migration corridor for Idaho wolves into Oregon. – – – – – – – – – – News Release Oregon Department of…

  • This was prepared for the Idaho Fish and Game Commission meeting to be held Nov. 18- You can find this at We urge folks to attend this meeting. They are already making plans for next year’s hunt, including changes. Seems a bit premature to us. Apparently they feel they do not need more data…

  • Most favored alternative 3 in the state’s wolf plan- While there seems to be no newspaper story on-line, I have heard from someone who attended the Seattle meeting on the Washington wolf plan. Wolf supporters dominated the meeting. Most of them favored alternative three, which is generally thought to be the alternative most favorable to…

  • Some professed “hunters” at meeting fear they will be eaten- Another state; same fairy tales. Yakima, of course, isn’t the same as on the west side of the Cascades. Community voices wolf concerns at WDFW forum. Some residents say hunting animals might be necessary to preserve human safety. By Scott Sandsberry. Yakima Herald-Republic Someone just…

  • Plan contemplates a possible large state wolf population- Plan contemplates floor of 15 breeding pairs. Wolves to be distributed all around the state. AP The preferred alternative sounds like an advanced plan with a much better distribution pattern of wolves than we find in Idaho, and especially better than Montana or Wyoming. Currently the state…

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