• Findings contradict local views on the dire effect of wolves on elk calves- Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and University of Montana have a 3-year study going to find out about elk and predator relations in the southern part (the “upper part”)  of the Bitterroot Valley, Montana.  By the time of the recently ended  wolf…

  • Tracks and remains of prey found- The search for the four wolf-like animals spotted from the air in northeastern Utah has not found the animals, but it has found five pair of tracks.  In addition remains of several wild animals possibly fed on and maybe killed by the canids, have been found. These dead wildlife…

  • Collaboration is all the rage. How it has worked in Montana- Past stories here at The Wildlife News have not been very friendly to the process called “collaboration”  although we have not written about it for a while.  That does not mean it has disappeared nor become friendly to conservation of our forests, grasslands, sage…

  • State parks have huge economic value but the states are closing them, cutting them, raising fees- Republican legislators and governors in the interior Western United States are saying we will manage the public lands, the national forest and parks, much better than far off Washington D. C.. Indeed  the Framers of the Constitution argued the…

  • Candidates use that word, “public lands” because they can’t say they “have no use for national forests, national parks, or national wildlife refuges’ Most westerners love the public lands of the United States and most of the outdoor recreation that does not use special facilities like stadiums takes place on them.  Romney and Santorum, who…

  • No conservation spokespersons quoted- Yesterday the big news in Idaho and northern Nevada was the 2-year delay and perhaps the demise of the proposed giant wind farm on top of Browns Bench/China Mountain on the Idaho/Nevada border (mostly BLM public land). There is much to be said on all sides of the issue. Today we…

  • A Wind developer in southern Idaho has hit a two-year road-block that casts significant doubt on whether the wind project sited in pristine sage grouse habitat along the border of Nevada will ever be developed at all. BLM defers China Mountain decision for two years – Elko Daily Free Press “stupid bird.” We’ve covered the…

  • Democratic critics say pipeline will not increase U.S. oil supplies- Right now the U.S. Senate is considering a Republican effort to fast-track the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline.  Democrats will filibuster. Republicans are not likely to get the 60 votes to beat the filibuster. The pipeline is becoming a defining issue between the two parties,…

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