• Senator Jeff Siddoway also pushes amendment to turn Land Owner Appreciation bill into a no access gravy train- Idaho rancher and State Senator Jeff Siddoway has introduced a bill (S1305) in the Idaho statehouse that would authorize the slaughter of wolves involved in molesting or killing livestock by any number of creative ways. Senator Siddoway…

  • Wild wolves very rare in Illinois, but two face justice for shooting two of them- A very few wolves have made it down from Wisconsin to Illinois,  a state that protects them regardless of what the federal government does or fails to do. The accused are using the old argument developed by governor, then judge, Fredenthal in…

  • In 1907, my great grandfather – Walter L. Cole – kept a journal of a trip he took with a friend, Perry, to Central Idaho’s Riordan Lake just southeast of Yellow Pine, Idaho. This area, which I have spent a lot of time in over the years, is some very rough and steep country. I first…

  • Researchers from Michigan State University and Michigan Technological University published a report this week detailing the results of a 2010 telephone survey of Michigan residents. In total, the study contacted 973 residents (95% confidence level +/- 3.2% margin of error). Eighty-two percent of residents agreed that wolves have value; only 16% disagreed with the statement,…

  • Minnesota talks about hunting season- Hunting season bill introduced into Wisconsin legislature-  At long last, wolves are delisted in the Great Lakes.  Now folks are looking to see if the wolf can be conserved by these states, or whether old attitudes from 19th century prevail as they have politically in Idaho and Montana. While it should be…

  • Simplot Company report to justify lower water quality standards provokes big controversy- Anglers don’t like pulling fish off their lure that look like mutant monsters. The accusation that selenium poisoning from the Smoky Canyon phosphate mine is killing fish, creating awful deformities, and being picked up into the ecosystem in general has greeted  a 700-page draft…

  • It is time that we put up a new thread for your wildlife news. Please post your news and comments below in the box.  As a suggestion, sometimes, if you have a lot to say, it is smart to write your comments on text editor (like Notepad) so you can save them and check them for…

  • Unconfirmed sightings are increasing, but does this mean real bears or more Ravalli County hysteria? Officially there are no grizzly bears in the Bitterroot Mountains of Idaho-Montana or in the ranges to the east until you get about the Snowcrest Range. On the other hand, grizzlies are spreading out as their traditional food sources in…

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