•  White-tailed deer overpopulation boost cases due to more deer ticks- Lyme Disease is a real threat to those who go outdoors, unlike the recent hysteria over the rarely transmitted dog tapeworm larva (Echinococcus granulosus) to humans. In 2010 there were over 30,000 reported cases in the U.S. of  often debilitating Lyme disease. It is usually…

  • More effort, DNA analysis thrown into battle- Poachers love winter when deer, elk and other animals become visible, but in Utah and elsewhere modern science is allowing officials to track even a piece of venison. Utah is also putting more enforcement in the field this winter, and they have reportedly made some significant arrests. Although…

  • Total jumps to 58- After years of slow decline from a not very high level, finally in 2011 there was some good news for the beleaguered Mexican wolf restoration in Arizona/New Mexico. There appears to have been a 16% increase from 50 to 58 wolves in the wild. There are 12 packs and 6 breeding…

  • Wants to sell them back to the state- In Nevada he said he didn’t know their purpose, “I don’t know the reason that the federal government owns such a large share of Nevada.” Of course this man who never got his hands dirty doesn’t know about the public lands. Does he know anything except that…

  • Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Utah, Wyoming , Colorado poll. Arizonans stand out- Generally speaking Arizona is not thought of as a state especially friendly to environmental policies. Of course a state’s reputation on such things is the result of the real attitudes of the people as channeled by politicians and interpreted by the media. In early January…

  • Big pile of stories grows on the wolf now named “Journey”- Time Magazine is one of the latest to do a feature on this story, one that has pleased and gladdened many and no doubt irritated those who see nothing good about the spread of the wolf.  The Terrifying Wonder of Journey, California’s Lone Wolf. By…

  • In reading some of the comments posted in response to stories run on The Wildlife News this week, I was interested to see a few very heated exchanges concerning humans’ role in determining how animals die.  These comments reminded me of a presentation I saw this past November at the annual meeting of the Wildlife…

  • NCBA complains about the use of “best available science” and the mandate to protect sensitive species. In a news release published yesterday, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) complained that the new proposed US Forest Planning Rule is too onerous to public lands ranching. In their press release they imply that science does not support…

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